posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:27 PM
the last couple months i have been having very strange dreams, and usually i cant remember them, but the last couple months i remember
clearly.....although i have a really hard time describing them to anyone. not sure why, i usually tell people about them but its like i just cant tell
about it like it happened. know what i mean? one dream i had that i remember very clearly still, it happened about a month and a half ago.
there was these two men, they seemed very evil, they were in the backseat of my wifes van and my wife was driving, my kids were in the van
also....they told me to get in or they would take my family, so i got in...they kept pinching me, just really annoying me, and laughing about it. so i
told my wife to pull over, i pulled one of the evil men out of the van, and suddenly my truck was there, not sure why...and i started beating the hell
out of this evil man....smashing his head into my truck, kneeing him in the head, his head actually split open and things were falling out of his
head, but he just kept laughing at me, the other evil man got out of the van and i told my wife i cant kill him, just she drove off. there
is more to it than that but i don know how to describe it.
anyone else have dreams that you just cant describe like that?
also worth noting that before i had this dream i had one similar but there was only one evil man in it....its pretty freaky but i dont let it bother