posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:03 AM
Well I guess I was talking about the NIST preliminary report. I didn't know that they haven't come out with a full-fledged answer to the WTC7
collapse. That means the unofficial explanation really stands unequaled!
Hey Marcos, being in the "mushy middle" is a good place to be. If you're waiting for the hard evidence to come out, then I think time will tell. My
brother is a lot like you in his beliefs. He used to be in military intelligence and thinks that the gov't is too unorganized to collaborate on
anything on such a large scale. There is an answer to that however, and it is compartmentalization. In other words, as Richard C. Hoagland puts it,
"the lie is different at every level." Only those at the very top of the pyramid know what's really going on. Everyone else plays their part, most
of the time unwittingly, and just follow the lies given to them by their superiors. The finger does not know what the toe is doing, you know? And the
''government" itself is not really "in on it." Our government is really controlled by higher-ups like bankers and families like the Rockefellers
and Rothschilds.
You ask some crucial questions. I'd like to know the answers to them as well. There is a point where an overwhelming amount of coincidences can begin
to be viewed as circumstantial evidence. Once you put all of the little pieces together, you can convict someone of a crime without a "smoking gun"
or irrefutable proof. The jury is still out though. Most people have only heard one side, call it the prosecution or the defense. We need a full
disclosure of all evidence pertaining to 9-11.
Another question to ask, and it's been asked before but once again: if Building 7 collapsed due to fire damage, which would be a first in the history
of steel framed buildings, then why was the debris carted off and destroyed without analysis? Why not study it to prevent further collapses? To me
that seems highly suspicious. The thermite findings of Steven Jones and the molten metal seem to answer those questions though.
I'd like to see his findings corroborated by a number of independent labs in blind experiments where they didn't know what they were testing and
why. If confirmed, then I believe there is irrefutable proof that a crime was committed - of a far different nature then the one that was described to
us in the mainstream media through official sources. It's not that I don't believe Steven Jones. He actually has a lot to lose by supporting the
conclusions that he has come to. He was offered grants to discontinue his research in this area, and also received a number of death threats!