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Shouldn't we be ready?

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posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Shouldn't we as a people be ready for the introduction of knowledge pertaining to the existence of UFO's? I mean this site and many others like it (although no other site has such an active forum) have thousands of people who are not only open to the idea of UFO's, but the actively believe that there are and they have come to Earth. If new information were brought to light in the public sphere I think there would be first a backlash of scepticism, but I don't think there would be a mass hysteria. Only if the government said that these aliens are planning a major invasive attack do I think that there would alarm. But not to the news of evidence of life outside of our planet or solar system.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:11 AM
yeah, we should be ready, Im just waiting anxiously

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:23 AM
I think it is about time to have disclosure.......maybe it would make everybody stop dead in their tracks and think about things other than themselves for a while.

The technology on the other hand........we are not ready to handle it. The human race has a lot of growing up to do.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:56 AM
They have been saying since the 70's "I hope theres an annoucement soon", "Looks like there will be annoucement soon", "The govermemnt plan to realise details soon". In all these documents I have read thats what is stated most of the time, my opinion there won't be one soon.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 02:12 PM
it wont happen any time soon!

as a whole the public will never be ready to hear the truth,

There would be looting and caos...

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 02:20 PM
ya man, we should be ready..the government already has programs to ready the people of aliens and ect. when they let the knowledge of their exsistence out or when the ET's finialy star to come at massive rates and contact us

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 04:24 PM
People who visit ATS and who are avidly seeking more knowledge about aliens and UFOs should and are ready, I believe. I think that the majority of this planet aren't, though. These masses of people who are not ready are "sleep walkers".

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 05:52 PM
Why would there be looting and chaos though? Would the news of other life cause such hysteria? I mean seeing the news Mars discussions about the ability to support life doesn't seem to have people to upset. If anything, most people get bored after hearing about it for 5 minutes. I think that people just seem to be too self-involved in their own life, their own world, that they hardly ever think about the world outside of the own personal sphere of influence. Who knows, maybe the breaking news of extra terrestial life will be a headline one day, then make its way back to page 8 section D the next.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Why would there be looting and chaos though? Would the news of other life cause such hysteria?

I believe it would..
people get paranoid! its ok seeing stuff on mars because its not on this planet, but if it were told that ufo's came here...people would get scared.

You would be suprised at the outcome of such news..

You would have people out to get them...out to get money
alien hunters the lot....

But who knows!! we might all get along with the news fine,

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:10 PM
look for mainstream media to start introducing the aliens.... at first very subtley in two to three years
There has been release of info already if you search for it

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
look for mainstream media to start introducing the aliens.... at first very subtley in two to three years
There has been release of info already if you search for it

Could you provide any links? I wouldn't know where to begin on how to search for that sort of official news.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:16 PM
I think that most of the problem would come when people realize how self centered they were. The people who have been lifelong skeptics would go insane, the christians who think we are the center of the universe and so unique would kill themselves (good riddance!), alot of women would commit suicide... damn evil materialistic women! Then there would be chaos and looting, not to mention all of the people who think the aliens are here to destroy us because they saw a movie about it once (Independence day, anyone?) would be shooting everything and everyone, thinking they are aliens.

The only survivors would be us... the people who everyone else thinks are 'loons' and 'paranoid'.

New thought: What if the NWO actually has it's reasons for trying to control the people? What if the aliens are sick of hiding away from public view and it is the only way that the aliens could come out of hiding? Who knows... I'm just sick of the gov's having secret agendas and hiding # and me getting called a 'loon' and 'paranoid' because I care whats REALLY going on in the world, not just believing what the nightly news tells me. I really wouldn't care who killed themselves because they found out aliens are real... the human race needs a good makeover anyways. I don't like the "Ignorance is Sanity" world we live in.

Me? I'm ready in all ways I can think of for news of aliens... mentally, and spiritually. And, yes... I have guns if it comes down to it. I won't be ANYONE'S 'bitch', but I will not turn away a 'friendly', no matter WHAT he/she/it looks like!

Oh yeah... I imagine a new form of 'racism' would form as well, much like the Gene Roddenbarry(sp?) show that used to come on fox after X-Files (can't remember the name, but it was pretty good).

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:17 PM
i highly suggest you read the book "extra-terrestial Friends and Foes"

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
Oh yeah... I imagine a new form of 'racism' would form as well, much like the Gene Roddenbarry(sp?) show that used to come on fox after X-Files (can't remember the name, but it was pretty good).

Maybe the Earth would unify against the alien force via Babylon 5? Who knows what world wide reaction would be. I'm sure some countries would try to exploit the matter and try to convince the ETs to join their side. I imagine the world would become even more divided.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:26 PM
It's probably not the reaction of people who visit ATS that the government is worried about. It's all the other people who will reject the aliens as a big lie or threat. I can see massive life disruptions if the aliens start communicating messages in complete disagreement with many. For example they could state that Jesus was one of them and that our religions are all a sham. Destroying belief systems may be a cause for concern. What if the government announced an alien threat where the government made a deal with the aliens so they could take a few thousand unlucky people each year for experimentation. Would that cause some panic? Of course the government wouldn't want to say what they got out of the deal. (technology maybe?)

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 08:55 PM
when they do say they exist its gonna leave a big gap in my life. i spend alot of time lookin at ufo pictures ,readin documents tryin to find out if they exist (i personally believe they do) but when its all out in the open and im workin alongside one of them im gonna have to find somthing else to do.

So really i wanna know they exist but i dont if u see what i mean !

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 09:01 PM
lmao! I agree... but then we could focus energy previously spent on proving/disproving their existence on trying to figure out if they have some kind of hidden agenda.

Or we could just smoke lotsa pot and reminisce on the old ATS boards!

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by madmartinez
when they do say they exist its gonna leave a big gap in my life. i spend alot of time lookin at ufo pictures ,readin documents tryin to find out if they exist (i personally believe they do) but when its all out in the open and im workin alongside one of them im gonna have to find somthing else to do.

Back to just boring old human conspiracies after that. Or maybe the main focus would shift to amphibious anomolies. Or maybe we'll all stop being so damn paranoid and live peacefully in a trusting world where no one suspects another of conspiracy....but that probably won't happen.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 10:56 PM
The good news is..the odds are against them.... Eventually, SOMETHING will happen that the retrieval teams simply can't get there quick enough, and then we'll see what happens from there....

There's HUGE problems with simply going public about ETs.... It'd have to be done carefully, and there does seem to be a plan for it..if you look hard enough. In fact, many facets of the plan have been done, but the timeline always gets pushed back....

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 11:09 PM
The world is not ready for ETs as the governments have certainly not adequately prepared us by denying their existence.

What we know is incredibly contradictory information from all angles. More than likely less than 1% of what we know is the truth of the matter. The only thing we know for certain is that UFOs/ETs are real and the governments of the world hide it and deny their existence.

Most everything having to do with modern day life, except possibly some of our most current technology (like computers) will be affected. All aspects of culture and society like religion, education, and careers will be turned upside down with the new revelations. Suddenly the world will realize that their governments are duplicitous on the subject and everything will go to hell in a handbasket overnight. Basically the status quo of our world will be gone and there may be nothing adequate to replace it.

Prepare for anarchy. Or if the governments manage it, extreme martial law.

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