posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:36 PM
Some of my drinking buddies in college used to do this for kicks. Anyway, just for fun:
1. Things will unravel in Iraq. It never was the surge that helped quiet things down in the first place. It was the combination of the Shiite
government going after the militias, the Sunni sheiks accepting large amounts of money from the US to battle insurgents and Al Sadr's cease fire.
What will happen is that Al Sadr will overreact to something, end the cease fire and the whole thing will spin out of control toward civil war.
2. There will be a major terrorist attack in the Phillipines by Abu Sayyef. Several hundred dead.
3. A successful attack by Islamic radicals on Saudi oil facilities will ultimately set in motion a series of events that will spell disaster for the
world economy. The Dow will fall to 10 thousand and find a solid bottom, but unemployment and inflation will bring about the worst economic recession
since the Great Depression. The economy won't totally lapse into this mode until next year, but the first event (the Saudi oil facilities being
attacked) is what will start the series of events.
4. There will be an amazing, somewhat controversial UFO incident with a greenish-white light that is actually broadcast live on television
nationwide. People will find this an exciting story.
5. Evangelist Billy Graham will die.
6. A major Hollywood star will be murdered. An investigation into the homocide will turn up details of the star's extraordinarily bizarre sex life
that will be in the news for months.
7. A sweltering heat wave will surprise America in late September/early October.
8. One of the satellites that carries many of the biggest cable channels will suddenly quit functioning, leaving people without those channels for
days, in a few cases weeks. Foul play is suspected.
9. Hackers will pull off the biggest internet malfunction ever.
10. Los Angeles will experience a 6.5 magnitude earthquake, which will be a precursor of a much, much larger one 17 months in the future.
[edit on 23-7-2008 by ClintK]