posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 02:23 PM
We have witnessed a manifold increase in mainstream coverage of the "UFO" topic, supported, to some degree, even by governments. As we look up to
the sky and stars beyond we can only wonder about the truth of imminent disclosure.
Meanwhile, back down on Earth, we witness a debacle of concerted government efforts to control and subjugate the populations of the so-called free
world. A massive increase in surveillance technology is but the tip of the privacy iceberg, as developments in non-lethal weaponry and internment
facilities abound.
We see the "War On Terror" advertised hourly on our television screens, yet we all sense the tired and aged disputes of the middle-east, nothing new
in historical terms, are but a smokescreen to blur our vision against a phantom menace used specifically to ramp up security against the civilian
populations of the nations of freedom.
A move to authoritarian states surely, but is that it?
Do we see a pattern?
- Increased military capability for urban warfare - not necessarily against a militaristic force, but an armed and dangerous civilian population.
- Internment facilities intended for mass imprisonment and interrogation techniques that preclude the outcome judgement as innocent.
- Massive surveillance and population tracking facilities, intelligence networks delving right into free society.
- The increased disassembly of civil liberties, gradually anaesthetising the greater population against fundamental changes to our right to live
Basically, all the essentials required by an occupying force intending to provide a "solution" to the ever-expanding human population. In this
case, could it really be the "ultimate solution" - targeting citizens of the world regardless of race, colour or creed?
So I ask a simple question, in the event that the "UFOs" do materialise and are deemed hostile, would your government...
O protect their people and defend their nation against attack, maintaining the legitimacy of freedom for the human race, repelling all suggestions
that humanity will be subjugated?
O be complicit with extra-terrestrial invaders, providing a para-military police force to capture and corral the population for the enemy in exchange
for support in running an authoritarian puppet administration.
Is your government a valiant sheep-dog, protecting his flock from the wolf, or a cabal of complicit herdsmen intent of carving up the flock to assuage
the fury of the beast?