posted on Jan, 7 2003 @ 03:33 AM
While I'm not knowledgable enough to answer the questions about ancient religions I tackle the others. The sacrificing of animals was done in the
Old Testament to cleanse sin. That along with the Law of Moses or Mosaic Law was the old way. After Jesus came and died for our sins the old ways
were ended since Jesus was the final and perfect sacrifice for our sins. That's why that's no longer done or needs to be.
Let us make man in our image......spoken by God who is a Trinity. Tough to fathom.....but basically three seperate entities that are one. The sons of
God and doughters of man one I covered in the questions about the Bible post.
And no, Christianity doesn't have pagan roots.....God has always been around. The Bible starts out with the creation of the world and then Adam and
Eve and so on and so forth long before there were small settlements in Egypt. Although it didn't take long for that to happen since Egypt is one of
the closest countries to good old Iraq. And yes, paganism is older than modern Christianity in that Jesus was here a little less than 2,000 years ago
but like I said..... And you're right about Dec 25 being a pagan date because it is but that's not when Jesus was really born, kind of like the date
of Easter being pagan as well.