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Water (H2O) Car Inventor was Murdered in 1998

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 04:43 AM

With Gas prices over $4 a gallon and soon to be over $7 a gallon we are seeking out new sources of fuel. Back in the 1990's Stan Meyer was our technological savior. He said that America had become too dependent on oil and he wanted to change that. Although he had no formal education having quit high school, Stan Meyer was an inventive genius and his ideas were revolutionary. Using his amazing intellect for good rather than personal gain, he intended to help humanity. He wanted to free us from our enslavement to the oil companies. He wanted to stop global warming. He was bound for the greatest glory that any person has ever known. He would have been the man who shattered humanity's oil dependency forever, ushering in a new dawn of prosperity, freedom, and hope for all except the greedy maniacal few who profit from selling oil and war.

His water powered car was better than an electric car because without numerous solar panels and plenty of sunlight they too must be charged by electricity produced ultimately from fossil fuels. Stan's car was far ahead of General Motors hydrogen car, which simply burned hydrogen stored in a fuel tank which had also been produced with power generated by fossil fuels.

Stan found a way of using only half an amp of electricity to fracture water molecules separating the oxygen and hydrogen on demand. As the hydrogen was produced it was burned creating combustion more powerful than gasoline, and water was the only significant exhaust emission. Stan Meyer's water engine technology could easily have been developed to power planes, ships, trains, and spacecraft, completely eliminating our need for oil.

Stan Meyer said he trusted in angels to protect him, but in March 1998, Stan was poisoned and died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio. According to his brother Steve, the U.S. Government came to Stan's home a week after his murder and confiscated his car, which got 100 miles per gallon of water, and they stole all of his research equipment which he had used to develop the new technology.

Stan had been threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp. Stan said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelve his idea but he said, "No, this technology is for the people.


posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:34 AM
Im pretty sure he wasn't murdered.He had something that worked but every time he was due to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt something would go wrong and he wouldn't show up.Or when he did try and prove it, the thing wasnt as he claimed.
Almost every time I look into this kind of thing the person turns out to be not telling the truth 100% or perhaps not be 100% in reality.
Meyer's claims about the Water Fuel Cell and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996.
His car was due to be examined by the expert witness Michael Laughton, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. However, Meyer made what Professor Laughton considered a "lame excuse" on the days of examination and did not allow the test to proceed.
Stanley Meyer died on 21 March 1998 at the age of 57 after eating at a restaurant. An autopsy report by Franklin County, Ohio coroner William R. Adrion concluded that Meyer, who suffered from high blood pressure, had died of a cerebral aneurysm

[edit on 16/7/08 by Being_From_Earth]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:38 AM
Well, just in the past week, I have read reports of;

1. A japanese company having invented a water driven car (guess the oil cartels' goons can't be everywhere at the same time)

2. A mexican (?) inventor having invented a motorbike driven by compressed air

And of course, e.g. Steven Greer's (of Disclosure Project fame) AERO projectseem more and more busy.

There is hope.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Loengard
Well, just in the past week, I have read reports of;

1. A japanese company having invented a water driven car (guess the oil cartels' goons can't be everywhere at the same time)

2. A mexican (?) inventor having invented a motorbike driven by compressed air

And of course, e.g. Steven Greer's (of Disclosure Project fame) AERO projectseem more and more busy.

There is hope.

I think the water theory's are just dreaming.
There is methods of air cars and vehicles even in France one is being manufactured.
But the debate about them is how much c02 emissions it takes to compress the air.
Apperantly it can compress it as its driving but when you read the fine print you still need electricity to power a compressor to get enough air to run it.
Plus a variety of other factors.Safety of driving around sitting on huge tanks of compressed air.
Im sure there is much better ways than burning oil.
But water and air might not be the way.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:47 AM
Any experts here to provide further information on this? Is there a catch to this?

If this guy genuinely made a cheap, easy to manufacture water feulled car and was confirmed poisoned, and all his stuff confiscated by the gubment after his death, then this is simply outrageous.

After reading the wiki entry (the font of all credible knowledge) on big Stan, I have some questions.

On the basis of the evidence the court found Meyer guilty of "gross and egregious fraud" and ordered to repay the investors their $25,000.


This was two years before his death. Where does this fit in the conspiracy? "Gross and egregrious" is not just telling a little white lie. It means "massive and ridiculously tall story".

Why didn't he allow a credible engineer to confirm that his invention was legit?

Was his cerebral aneurysm a lie on the coroner's part?

Has anyone been able to replicate such a simple and elegant device? If not, why not?

I am ignorant and slightly sceptical on this, so inform me and convince me.


posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Being_From_Earth
I think the water theory's are just dreaming.

There have been numerous ideas of engines fueled by water over the years.. How hard is it to believe that the Oil companies bought them out? Or even threatened the inventors?
I mean, when there's billions worth of future profits on the line, Im sure they wouldn't just let the idea and plans become public

Here is just one recent discovery which could be feasible - Burning salt water! - or

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 06:59 AM
Sorry - Double Post

[edit on 16/06/08 by Dermo]

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