posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 07:05 PM
I just smoked my last cigarette four hours ago.. I have an almost full pack and a used ashthray sitting next to me. Ill be drinking a couple beers as
well, so the temptation for a cigg will be huge.
I have smoked a pack a day for over 8 years now and have had it..
I also just want to prove to myself that quitting smoking isn't hard, you just need to have a little discipline and motivation.
Im not going to take any nico pills, patches, gum.. it's all bs and takes away the ''fun'' of quitting.
If you smoke yourself, please join me and quit this great but nasty habit.
I realize the title of this thread is misleading, because I haven't even started yet.
But when I fail and feel bad about it, when I log in and see my thread title ''...easy'' I will even feel worse. So with that in mind I cant