posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 07:39 PM
As for the question of who decides which babies live and which are put to sleep, I think it should ultimately be the parents' decision. So, first of
all, the practice needs to be legalized (and sanitized) by the state governments. In the ideal situation, I think doctors should be instructed to
notify new parents if their child has a potentially debilitating, quality-of-life detracting or expensive condition. Severe mental retardation, for
example. If the parents decide to keep the child despite this news, they would immediately become ineligible for any state or federal medical benefits
or financial assistance in raising the child and the child would not be allowed public schooling, etc. Therefore, the government will not be
"forcing" parents to give up their doomed children, but it will be gently nudging them to do the right thing.
No one should have to live with these terrible conditions.