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Let's just say it was done by the US.

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Let's just say solid proof comes out that the US was responsible for 9/11. 100% clear. Completely Undeniable proof. Admissions of guilt...What do you think would happen???

I am under the opinion that there would be some minor issues and there would be a demands for trials but i don't think the most of the US people would part from their daily lives to get involved. I dont think the Government as we know it would fall. Opinions???

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:40 PM
I unfortunitally think you are right. The gov't has a term called a "limited hang out." This means that they admit to part of the story, but the full story does not come to light.

If there was an admission or concrete evidence....they would use a patsy to take the fall and cover the rest.

The American people are so far removed from demanding anything...that the MSM would act as if "outrage" expressed by key members of congress would be good enough.

Same play - different act.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:02 PM
There have been so many different posts saying we are brain washed and bla bla bla. But what i see and i hear is that people just want to be left alone. OMG what would happen if the US was invaded... would the people rollover? This is scary....

"The Mob is the people."

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