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Nevada Pyramid?!? HELP!

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:00 PM

Hey if you go to the site above you'll see a pic that my friend took in nevada through one of those pay-a-quarter binoculars, and it was all fenced off miles back with signs saying "area restricted"...? Any Ideas?

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:03 PM
I have no idea why that pyramid would be there. Any of you guys know?

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:05 PM
If you look at the picture closely I think you can see what resembles parked cars around the pyramid. I don't know for sure since the picture is a little blurry.

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:27 PM
Freaking hell if this doesn't piss the hell out of me! Your damn link doesn't work! Gosh freaking damn it.

I've been all over Nevada if I could just damn see where it is I could tell you and my dead for SURE could tell you.

Where the hell was the blooming picture taken?

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:35 PM
My apologies if the site posted before won't load... If it doesn't try....
That should deffinatly work....
but as far as the pic goes, i'm leaning towards emailing the nevada government and asking them of any pyramids that reside in their state...

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 05:50 PM
Still where in the state was the picture taken?

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:11 PM
hey mason did you get the link to work?? if not anyone can send me a message because to let me know it's not working and ill get it to you somehow...because i'm curious to know what it is... My friend wasn't sure the exact location of the picture, i think he's going to put a post on here and let everyone know...

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:16 PM

once saw something (years ago) on tv that said pyramids could have been landingspots for UFO's?

just weird

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:19 PM
Hello my Grandpa and I took the Pic of the pyramid. I dont exactly remember where the picture was taken but i know it was fairly close to Mesquite...maybe within an hour or 2 of it. Sorry it is so blurry, we shot it through a pair of binoculars since neither of us has expensive optic lenses for our cameras. I'll e-mail him and ask where the exact location was, i do know it was in the middle of nowhere and i was quite suprised to find it. I took a further away picture that i will scan and then my friend can put it on his site. Be posting on the location soon...

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:37 PM
Yeah if I can have an exact location that'd be best

Most of nevada is empty and barren, so it wouldn't surprise me if you felt that that was what this was....but I'm betting its in a more frequented location than you thought....

Oh perfect, my deduction turned out right, my dad amazingly knows everything about Nevada and Utah like the back of his hand

Of course this is depending on which direction of mesquite you were...but I'm betting (because of my dad's description of the area) that you were in Utah just near the border....there happens to be a Mormon Temple there in St. George...any of that familiar?

The Mormon Temple more likely has a pyramid on the "roof" or a pyrimidial structure, I'm betting you just caught that at a view from a distance, that made it seem like it was in the barren wastes?

Any better information on where you were would help us nail this down

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 06:51 PM
Ok the place where it was around was Whitney Pockets. I dont belive a mormon church would have a fence around it with the words NO TRESPASSING
...but i could be mistaken

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 07:00 PM
Nah that sounds exactly like a Mormon Temple....they don't even let their "normal" priests into them, you have to be a REALLY high priest to get in, I have only seen the inside of one by the good graces of an open house on its opening day. I myself am not a Mormon, but my dad was, so he was interested in going, since the whole reason he left the church was because he couldn't afford it anymore, after they passed him up for the "High priest" position that makes you worthy of entry, when the temple is active.

Anyways....the "keep out" sign could also be someone's ranching property, some form of BLM land or such, that may or may not be concerning the "pyramid" in question

So let me dig up further info of the location you gave...probably means I'll have to get a hold of my dad again .... this'll take a bit heh...

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posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 07:18 PM

here is a vew that shows the fence and the pyramid in the background...that is as high of resolution that my scanner gets...sorry i cant make it go any higher

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 07:23 PM
Damn that link doesn't work either, it's not allowing me to view pages that are only pictures, because it is stupid gay Geocities.

Wait nevermind, I went to the parent directory and made it work.....

Now waiting for it to finish loading >.<

Yeah I see it now, ignoring the fence, just as I thought, "behind" the pyrimad appears to be a city, the only large populace in the area would be St. George that has to be the Mormon temple backed up towards the outskirts of town....The fence is definately not a government fence, it seems more like a private property, probably not even going near the pyramid...probably a ranch owners property.

Out here in Nevada//Utah you have nothing but fences everywhere you go that's not a road
I can't tell you how many fences ahem...torn down heh...just to get somewhere that doesn't even belong to the people whose fence it blocks...

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[Edited on 7-1-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 07:51 PM
OK not too sure on where your seeing the city. Also i would like to note that i know it was NOWHERE near St.George because we did travel by St.George a few days later and we did not take the same roads. So try to figure out a new possibility on where that is. Maybe its some cults hangout or something. dunno.

posted on Jan, 6 2003 @ 08:05 PM
Yeah I can't find whitney pockets or whatever, but the "city" is below the hill look at the "smog" or whatever you'll call it.

There's a thick haze in all the sky (Such is this area
) but nearer to the ground the haze, there is a thicker more whitish fog...that would be the smog produced by at least some people, maybe a road or such.

Whitney Pockets is not on a map, at least in nevada I figured maybe it is in Utah and I've not heard of it...

One possibility I was thinking of, is it was the roof to the "ranch owner's" house, the dude who put up the fence

There are some odd homes up here in Reno, some look like pyramids, some look like domes, I figured maybe its one of those....why is it you didn't just go run over there and look?
Doesn't seem that far.

Oh that's another reason why I think there's a town back there, the distant hills are VERY much further away, it's not just another hill, but you have that hill, the pyramid behind it, then a very distant area. At least the picture makes it look distant...
...If I could just find bloody Whitney Pockets, such an odd name >.< You had said you were near mesquite there really isn't very much out Indian reservation to the west, st. George to the east.

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posted on Jan, 7 2003 @ 02:42 PM
well thanks for the idea, i had absolutly no idea what a pyramid would be doing in the states...

posted on Jan, 7 2003 @ 03:05 PM
OK this is what my grandpa did for us!

"here�s what I did today. I drove to the site in question with a compass and my handy-dandy Global Positioning Systems (GPS) receiver. Then I stood on an imaginary line that ran North-South through the pyramid and took a GPS reading. I called that �point #1�. Then I drove around the curve in the road and stood on an imaginary line that ran East-West through the pyramid and took a second GPS reading. That was �point #2�."

"Then I used my Microsoft Streets and Trips software to bring up a map of the site. The software allowed me to put pushpins at the location of each GPS reading. Then I drew a North-South line through �point #1� and an East-West line through �point #2�. Where the 2 lines intersect is the position of the pyramid!!! The map software put the pyramid at latitude 36.63407 N, longitude 114.26122W"

Here are two screenshots of the zoomed in and one zoomed out.

The yellow marker or "pushpin" in the picture is where the pyramid would stand. Hope this proves that one guy wrong that this thing is NOT IN ST.GEORGE!

[Edited on 7-1-2003 by subscorpion]

posted on Jan, 7 2003 @ 03:12 PM
I went to this site and put in the longitude and latitude...nothing was found...i wonder how old these satellite pics were?

posted on Jan, 7 2003 @ 03:26 PM
The two newest links do not work.

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