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Iran Ready To Hit UK

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posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by babylonstew
do you honestly think Iran would be stupid enough to mount terror attacks on a country knowing full well it would enrage the population and demand retribtution?
ou think ME leaders are stupid enough to go round pissing off countries in order to get attacked?
What kind of morons do you think none US/UK leaders are?

Short answer, yes.
Since Al Qaida had/has sleeper cells, why not other terror groups like Hezbollah?
Since Iran is using Hezbollah as a proxy, the panty waist little girls, aka liberals, would not want to attack Iran because it was Hezzbollah and they don't have a country.

Ohh Hezbollah is a terrorist group now? please explain WhatTheory i guess this means any orginisation fighting for their land is a terrorist...ahem The American Revolution...dirty terrorist scum fighting for land that is being taken from them....

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:28 PM

Something David said in that video that scared me a bit :

"The British Police are being told to get ready for a war"

Do you remember that part ??

Something is mentioned in this post that correlates exactly as in David Icke`s video in this thread here :


I will let it download and tell you at the exact time frame he tell this shocking information, give me a min...

Ok got it, fast forward the Google Video to : 2H,04Min,56Secs.

Tare 5 minutes of your time to hear this part of the video, it correlates exactly as the OP`s post.

If you have 3 hours, listen to it completely, lots of information to learn from this excellent video from David Icke.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Let's just say for a second there is a mere shred of truth to the fact that these sleeper cells exist and there is concrete proof. Should the MSM not report it? Let's say they have this info and do nothing with it and the sleeper cells are activated and they do take out a target. What say we then? Would there be no outrage?

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Lethil
Ohh Hezbollah is a terrorist group now?

Umm...yes, where have you been?

It's been this way for a while now.

please explain WhatTheory i guess this means any orginisation fighting for their land is a terrorist...ahem The American Revolution...dirty terrorist scum fighting for land that is being taken from them.

Your analogy does not hold water because if Hezbollah is only fighting for their land then why do they initiate terror acts outside of their homeland? Why does Iran support them with money and arms?

Secondly, the word 'terrorists' was not around back in the day during the American Revolution. But if it was, I guess the British could have called the Americans terrorists but so what? How does it apply to this situation since Hezbollah is not a group which protects their land. They are a group which also does terrorist activities away from their land.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Your analogy does not hold water because if Hezbollah is only fighting for their land then why do they initiate terror acts outside of their homeland? Why does Iran support them with money and arms?

Have you seen the movies Braveheart? I guess Wallace was a terrorist also because he attacked England on their own land to get them and keep them out of Scotland. Im sorry I dont consider him a terrorist. Also do you realize our CIA has worked with Hezbollah for many years? Once again like I pointed out in my earlier post check your history man this crap plays out over and over and over again.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 09:12 PM

Secondly, the word 'terrorists' was not around back in the day during the American Revolution. But if it was, I guess the British could have called the Americans terrorists but so what?

I suppose you could say the British Empire were terrorists sailing the globe and imposing their will on the "Colonists". But hey, I'm of Native American descent, most of my forefathers died fighting in defense of their land, you could hardly call them "terrorists".

But if you don't consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization, what do you call an organization that publicly and officially calls for the death of Isreal? Oh yeah, that's right, Nazi's.

[edit on 7/14/2008 by TheRooster]

[edit on 7/14/2008 by TheRooster]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 09:19 PM
To inform you guys. We all know this is balls, for the previous reasons given. Add on top of that:

Hezbollah is a political party and the defending force of PALESTINE

YES, it IS funded by Iran and Syria (the media has to be credible sometimes)

Hezbollah is made up of HIGHLY TRAINED, WELL FUNDED soldiers. Search for pictures of Hezbollah and you will be amazed at the weapons you see them carry sometimes. You will be amazed that they have uniforms. Their anti tank capabilties and tactics.

They do not carry out 'terror' attacks at random, nor in revenge (there are groups in Palestine willing to do that for them).

I wouldn't be suprised if they caught all of the members of every cell tommorrow and they later admit that they wanted to make terrorist attacks (because three years of tortue will make you say these things)/

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by MacDonagh
reply to post by WhatTheory

Do you really see white people voting for muslims having the ability to putdown their womenfolk? It won't happen.

Yes it will. How, you sheepishly ask? The radical (not all) muslims will use violence to intimidate enough "white people" into not voting at all. The apathy of the rest of your population will do the rest.

There will not be a system where muslims can run their own courts. That's just friggen absurd.

[edit on 14/7/08 by MacDonagh]

I agree with the absurd label you put on this, but that hardly means it can't or won't be allowed to happen. Important figures in the UK are already calling for it - absurd, or not.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:50 AM
I've heard of "the fog of war" but this is more like "the smog of war"!
Are will supposed to sit and wait for the next terrorist attack???

Meanwhile we are being bankrupted by our "own" oil companies...
What is worse? I could give half a rats sack about terror if I am homeless!
What are they going to target our tents and shanties?


posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator
I've heard of "the fog of war" but this is more like "the smog of war"!
Are will supposed to sit and wait for the next terrorist attack???

Meanwhile we are being bankrupted by our "own" oil companies...
What is worse? I could give half a rats sack about terror if I am homeless!
What are they going to target our tents and shanties?


I can't afford the gas -- I am terrified -- Is this terrorism?
We are busy looking for threats abroad when the dire threats to me and my loved ones are legal and government encouraged.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars

'sleeper cells'. FEAR 'terrorists' FEAR Iranians FEAR

You know, their 'marketing' style for this war is really annoying. Especially since we already know they are capable of 'staging' ANYTHING to muster public support to carry out their plans.

Spot on.

Personally this post should be deleted due to scaremongering.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by shaolin_dragon

Yeah, but hang on a min, surely if Hezbollah have sleeper cells in the uk, wouldnt our crack MI5/MI6 intelligence services have caught some hint of this happening? I know we knock them for losing data and other elements, but when you get down to it, they are "normally" pretty good at detecting this kind of thing. they just dont tend to act on it i.e 07/07. just my 2p worth.

they didnt act on it cos 7/7 was UK version of 911. ie. inside job. the point to this is that its most likely all a fabrication, BUT is the necessary precursor to the "false flag" terrorist attack, that they carry out. then they can say, well we were aware of sleeper cells in UK, and now they have gone and done it. WAR ON IRAN, we must stop these evil terrorists from controlling blah blah fuc* off etc etc.

yes end of the day you are right, if there was some supposed terrorist activity, it would probably be detected. I believe that they may capture or prevent real terrorist attacks, if any actually really exist, and instead wait until the orchestrated and strategic time to stage a false attack to blame Iran. Ie, when public opinion has been swayed enough, or the day before the peace treaty etc.


posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 07:34 AM
What a lot of people seem to be forgetting is this.

Britain has had the crap blown out of it for decades, IRA being the main culprit, as well as several middle eastern groups using British soil to send their messages,

However unlike the USA we dont go destroying whole nations because of a group of political nut cases, Britain is not afraid, we are kind of used to it, we where the dumping ground for political wars waged by other countries before America heard the word terrorist, this is why organized terrorist groups really do think hard before using the UK as a tool for their games.

People seem to forget that while our pubs and clubs where being blown apart by the IRA, over in the USA fund raising events where taking place to raise money for arms for the IRA.

Does that mean we should have attacked the USA for supporting terrorism? why not they where backing the IRA? oh right it was just a small group of people, just like now, Bush is looking for any single excuse to attack Iran, and now is leaking information through his little buddy network to try and get us to do what? kill millions of the innocent?

Thankfully Britain is stronger than that, and i have a strong feeling that if bush or his cronies working for the Brit gov do have plans to terrorize us into a war using false flags then he doesnt know the British people very well.

We went to Afghanistan because of lies, fool us once shame on us fool us twice! well you know how the saying goes.

I have faith that our secret services who serve the way they should, will do whatever it takes to stop this crap coming to a head, we have to many precautions in place for someone not to notice somethings amiss and nobody can convince me otherwise.

We as a country survived most of WW2 on our own having our cities blown apart without help, we seem to pull together as a nation rather than allowing this kind of thing to drive us apart.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:20 AM

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:55 AM
Absolutely agree.

The People are not so stupid-after being lied to so many times through the Blair Government they will have none of it.

Its good that media here in the UK makes sure that the people are given the true facts-thats because unlike many other countries they are not controlled by the state or political figures.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:11 AM
This might be "fear, fear, fear", but whether it's genuine fundamentalists or an inside job, the British people have reason to be fearful. 7/7 proved this. It's difficult to not give in to fear when that fear is fully justified. I'm just glad I'm not a city-dweller.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by azzllin

And all the while that you are keeping a wary eye on Bush "and his cronies", the real threat is materializing all around you in the UK. Think about it. The radical (not all) muslims wouldn't have it any other way.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
Have you seen the movies Braveheart?

A holywood butchery of Scottish history but then again what do you expect from holywood.

I guess Wallace was a terrorist also because he attacked England on their own land to get them and keep them out of Scotland. Im sorry I dont consider him a terrorist.

Wallace didn't attack civilians, but then again terrorists see no distinction between civilian and soldier.

Also do you realize our CIA has worked with Hezbollah for many years? Once again like I pointed out in my earlier post check your history man this crap plays out over and over and over again.

Sometimes a monster is required to defeat another monster.....

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:28 AM
Here is a release video showing the terrorist mentality and an inside look inside the mind of the type of people that the world is up against.

youtube video

Edit: have not yet figured out the video imbedding

[edit on 15-7-2008 by wheresthetruth]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

Foreign affairs really isn't your strong point is it?
I would ask how you think Muslims are "taking over the UK" and plotting to control the world, but that would be an insult

I do enjoy the puerile comments of those who have antipathy towards those who are slightly different. But, I best go, its coming up to 5pm and its prayer time in the Islamic Republic of Liberal Al-Britain. The Mosque is calling.

ṣallā llahu ʿalayhi wa sallam

[edit on 15-7-2008 by infinite]

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