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Take care of yourselves EVERYONE.
Read this for a better understanding of what is happening...
July 13, 2008
All right, now. We have asked to speak with you today because of a number of things on the near horizon, as measured within your time.
First of all, as has become obvious to you by now, a number of individuals – both animals and humans – are being called to leave 3D altogether,
while still others are making preparations to be on the ground for some time. People are moving to new locations – horizontally as well as
vertically – as part of those preparations. A major shift is about to occur that will affect everyone and everything currently on the planet in some
way – some more, some less, but all to some noticeable degree.
You and others are moving upward in a gradually increasing fashion and that process will continue until after it is done. When 100% linkup occurs,
there will be a completion of the movement into full 4D awareness and presence, the current transition will be complete, and another transition will
begin. It is this latter thing we wish to address right now.
Your present transition involves the leaving behind of what you remember as your 3D “past” – the memories of this life and those others also
lived within the 3D frequency band and its attendant types of experiences. This will also leave behind all memory and effects of all of the pain and
sorrow of those times, so they will cease to affect either your thinking or emotions.
However, you have another “history” that must then be available to you, so beginning now, you will not only be letting go of these other kinds of
3D memories, you will also be regaining the memories of how you were before entering the time loop and beginning your 3D “history.”
What this means is that there will be a corresponding loss of identification with your 3D body and personality and a growing identification with your
higher bodies and personalities. You will regain your ability to access your entire spectrum of expression, which is far more than just your 4D
expression. This process will require a lot of “downtime” and sleep to process. Give this to yourself and do not resist the process by imposing
schedules or “rules” or “shoulds” on yourself. Stay over your feet, lie down when you need to, and let yourself continue to expand. Do not try
to control or direct this process. Just let yourself go into it fully. Let yourself feel the feelings and think the thoughts that come with it.
Your oscillations used to be between 3D and 4D. Now they will become between more focused and less focused. Eventually, it will all be very oceanic
and will REMAIN oceanic at all times, with just one mobile point of awareness to experience with. It will be a POINT of awareness. The particular form
through which that point experiences will be very fluid, so everything will appear somewhat arbitrary at best. Just allow that fluidity and all will
be well. We shall speak to you again.
Amen, Adonoy Sabayoth. We are the Hosts of Heaven.
I continue to provide updates on the process through the medium of the weekly Radio Shows, and I also encourage everyone who is experiencing clearings
to make use of the essential oils blends I have recommended, as they make the clearings much easier to go through than they would be otherwise.
Love and blessings,