posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:25 AM
Since we all know "King" George W. Bush has total sovereign immunity from any prosecution unless he is impeached first and we know that's not going
to happen, and since we know Stanley Hilton must have known this when he suckered the 9/11 families into his "taxpayer" class action lawsuit, it
only follows that the NWO put him there to the job he did.
After viewing "Truth Rising", the simularities to the Vietnam war protests are staggering and I believe Alex Jones was put there by the NWO or is
playing into their hands by binging civil unrest to a violent state where they can justify martial law and put the Rex 84 camps into use.
Combined with closing the doors of justice (courts) to "dissidents" and basically all citizens who don't go with the flow, the falling dollar,
rising oil and food prices their goal of mass protests and riots is getting closer.
Personally I don't think it can be stopped. As a last effort before the shooting starts there is only one legal remedy left to try. It's the
International Criminal Court. After clicking the link, click on "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"
I still don't think it'll work because there isn't enough real hard evidence to prove a case. Besides, it is a NWO court and the "King" is one of
them but I found it interesting that "King George" and other culpables have no immunities in this court.