posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:56 AM
Last year my friends and I were discussing going to a haunted location in Western PA near the Morrain State Park region. Snyder Cemetery has many
stories surrounding it. The most recent would be a video that was shot, which contained a voice in playback. The voice was from a girl named Effie.
Now from that story we built this place up in our minds to the point where we embarked on a late afternoon to go to the cemetery. While there we
recorded sound, digital video and took photos. After going through the information I came up with two photos that show some strange things. The
enlarged woman from the bushed can be seen normally, and I enlarged it and labeled it into view. The second photo is blurry, and has less validity,
but still posses some question. Please feel free to check them out and let me know what you think.