Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose.
Is this guy real or some made up hoax?
If he’s real …what do you think of the ‘prophecies’?
Be sure to click the links and see the rest of them.
Yahoo Question
Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose is a 47 year old Brazilian. He claims to have started having visions of future events in dreams when he was a 9 year
old child. Allegedly he has a very good track record (that’s what they all claim, isn’t it?) Included for our near future are huge earthquakes
(dates ARE announced) and a problem with an asteroid. Also – most men on earth (who are left alive) will be sterile by 2050.
Predictions for 2008
● successful development of effective drugs for treatment of AIDS disease and Dengue fever
●18 of July: 8.1 earthquake in Philippines; thousands of people dead.
●Sept: terrorist attacks at the New York Empire State Building
●13 of Sept: Super-strong 9.1 earthquake in China; epicenter in Nanning and Hainan Island; also results in over 30 meters of tsunami costing
millions of lives; likely to devastate Japan as well.
● 25th of Jan: an 8.9 mag earthquake in Kobe and Osaka, hundreds of thousands of people will be killed.
● Nov: another major earthquake will occur in Japan again, thousands of people dead.
● Economic crisis causes delays in payment of pension and insurance funds in Brazil; city and prison riots rampant.
● 24th of Aug: 8.9 mag earthquake in Istanbul of Turkey; the streets will be devastated.
MORE predictions at the links ..
(nothing about who will be elected POTUS … rats!)
When he is googled his name comes up with links in many languages. I guess this fella is widely known. I hadn’t heard of him until today.
edited to fix quote
[edit on 7/13/2008 by FlyersFan]