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The movie SIGNS is a SIGN

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posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 09:57 PM
I mean its pretty obvious, its in the movie's title for god sakes. Aliens obviously exist im pretty sure we can all agree on that. Now for the movie it shows that aliens can be destroyed by water and whats been going on in the world? oh ya ice caps have been melting creating more water! Its obvious that "global warming" is preparing us for an alien invasion. I've been hearing more and more news about crop circles so its only a matter of time before it actually happens but we will be ready if we just pay attention to the messages that the movie is trying to tell us. I suggest you all go out and rent this movie and watch it multiple times because I think the invasion will happen within the next 10 years.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 10:07 PM
You just scared me lol.
But yeh i think its true.
Water > Aliens, you say?
Hmmm interesting... i was planning on taking a few AK47'S to Saudi Arabia with me in 2010 for shelter from the war...but i think i'll add some water guns to that...

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 10:10 PM
Don't worry. I've got my supersoakers loaded and ready to go. Now, if I can only figure a way to keep the little ones away from them. It's a hot summer in Texas, you know!

Everyone, rent the movie Signs! Mel Gibson is on to something!

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 10:13 PM
But in the movie, the aliens didn't react too well to water.

That would be too easy, to have an invasion, only to wipe them out with the aid of firetrucks. Then a lot of people will be angry at the "star wars" program satellite defense system.

Or more fun, to kill with yodeling records. (Mars Attacks)

If they were going to invade they would have done it before now in my opinion.

The possible future destruction will be man's doing, not alien.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by qwee3

1st off, I don't trust hollywood to inform me of anything, rather, I look for them to spin the truth,

just like the whores lie by omission on the teevee newz...

" Now for the movie it shows that aliens can be destroyed by ".

I don't know about destroying them, I'm just here to say that, you shouldn't get fooled by liars who call screwdrivers, prybars....they are the fallen angels [ the nephelim ] of the Bible...not new age aliens.

[edit on 12-7-2008 by toasted]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 10:27 PM
The only sign of things to come in the movie SIGNS
was the progressive decline in his work to come,
the sign that M Night was a one trick pony
with only one work of genius in him...

I know, I think... I went to high school with
him, dated the same girl and made videos with him back in the day,
when he was still Manoj, not Night...

Nice guy, though, and so talented-
but he has been comdemned by his success
because he has allowed himself to be genre-restricted.

(Actually, the little-seen faux documentary he made
with the MY ARCHITECT filmmaker was in fact genius...
but it was marketed wrong and misunderstood)...



posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by qwee3

What makes you think that the movie signs is the only movie that is giving out a sign to all of us that something is going on? Why not the new X files movie that s coming July 25,08. What about Independence Day or war of the worlds

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Since M. Night Shamabadiddylon has not made a good movie in years, I am wondering if qwee3 isn't him in disguise trying to raise a few bucks.

But seriously, its a movie and contains no relevant facts.

I prefer to kill aliens Mars Attacks style.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Have any of you stopped to look at the other side of the coin?

Like mabey, there are no such things as "aliens"..but if the mainstream media and the entertainment industry focus telling us there are... wont the masses be conditioned to accept "aliens" as fact ?

I'd like to add, that this thread is a good indicator of this hypothesis...

[edit on 7/12/2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:38 AM
All I have read here is kill the ETs! What's wrong with you people? Because you don't understand them....well, we might as well kill 'em? If the ETs were going to do us damage, I'm sure with their technology, they could have wiped all humans off the planet eons ago! Why automatically decide in your minds... to kill them? Could it be they are enlightened beings, coming to Earth so save us from ourselves?

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:06 AM
Signs was a terrible movie. How can anyone think that it was meant to be anything more than B-Grade crap??

I'd say that the recent Indiana Jones movie is more of a clue to what's really going on.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:10 AM
so as long as they are Triffids we should be ok? lol

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:23 AM
The film Signs is ridiculous IMO.

Fleets of Alien ships fly across fast amounts of space in preparation to kill us. Their only weakness is water. I think this conversation would have popped up some where .

Alien 1 - "So we're going to earth to take over yeah?"

Alien 2 - "Yeah"

Alien 1 - "Ah good stuff. So has anyone done any research on this earth place? We don't want to get there after traveling so far only to find they have a super weapon"

Alien 2 - "Don't worry, everything will be fine. There is one thing though, this earth place is mainly covered by water, 70% of it is in fact covered by water. The guys who live on earth, humans I think you call them, they are 70% water too"

Alien 1 - "Ah i see. So let me get this straight. We're travelling thousands of light years to another planet which we will try and conquer. Our only weakness is water. This planet is full of water. Well i hope our science and defence branch have made us special suits so we can be protected in case these humans start firing water at us"

Alien 2 - Yeah i hope so too. Would be a wasted trip if we didn't and considering we're aliens that have technology to travel between stars, you would think we could make protective water suits. Anyway I'm sure we have and we'll get given some when we arrive on earth.

You know what happens next? In the film they try to take over until we realise they don't react well when spurted with water.

So get your water pistols ready, cause thats all it will take to defeat the mighty amry of aliens. I'm off to get my water bombs ready.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:32 AM
i am not the least bit worried about any race that can master intergalactic space travel to come to a planet covered in water and not even think to at least wear slickers or something that might, ya know keep them dry. scuba suits even?

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:32 AM
There are many, many films that protray an alien invasion only for some hero (of some description) to bring an end to the event, yet there are very few that show us as we really are.. toally and without a doubt, vulnerable in every fashion of the word.

Please take a few moments to review this thread I started the other day and view the teaser trailer thati've posted.

The Great Dark

This touches on a very rare view of any possible invasion and may be far closer to the truth of it all than anything we are yet to see.

from what I have seen of this new film, due for release June 2009, I am very hopeful in its success. It was not so much the CGI, but the actual intent being shown in the idea of such an event.

We are nothing once mixed with the cosmos.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:43 AM
I think the idea that an advanced and hostile extra terrestrial biological race being water soluble is a bit ridiculous. Possible I'm sure, but come on...

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by HighDefinitionFilms
The only sign of things to come in the movie SIGNS
was the progressive decline in his work to come,
the sign that M Night was a one trick pony
with only one work of genius in him

Man I am SO BUMMED out that more people didn't like THE VILLAGE...
That was my favorite MNight movie so far..... phycologists just up and move deep onto a nature preserve and start they're own society away from the rest of the 'good 'ol USA.....I LOVED the premise and the movie.....GOOD tension, wonderful dialogue and it gave me allot to think about in a survivalist sort of way....
I enjoyed LADY IN THE WATER as a fairytale on film, and it was never advertised as anything BUT an odd fairytale....and I liked it.
I went and saw THE HAPPENING on big screen and came away disappointed that MArk Mark never took his shirt off ONCE...

M Night is a great and creative writer but I do not believe for a second he is giving us 'signs' of impending invasion.......he is JUST a writer.

[edit on 13-7-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:26 PM
i guess a lot of you dont agree but theres really no other explanation for something like global warming. Really, how else could you explain it? as for other alien movies they aren't even called 'signs' whereas this movie is called 'signs' and is obviously full of signs.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by qwee3
i guess a lot of you dont agree but theres really no other explanation for something like global warming. Really, how else could you explain it? as for other alien movies they aren't even called 'signs' whereas this movie is called 'signs' and is obviously full of signs.

and the movie alien is full of aliens
good find queer

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Sounds like you've been watching VH! I love the 2000's.

They joke about the same thing you say about, why would aliens that don't react well with water, invade a planet covered in it.

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