posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Although we are worlds apart by age (I'm 50) and probably by experience, I understand where you're coming from. So much of even what I see around me
just doesn't match the 'accepted' explanations and definitions of 'reality.'
And, like you, I have no one to talk to about it. My husband occasionally indulges me by listening to me or reading some article or picture I've
found, but he doesn't 'buy' any of it, and doesn't really care. "What difference does it make," he asks. "I will still have to go to work
tomorrow, we will still have to pay our house payment, buy groceries, etc. It doesn't matter.'" On one level I have to agree with him; no matter
what I learn or find it isn't likely to change my daily life significantly. But I still want to KNOW.
Of course, I don't believe everything. I don't believe that Bush is a shape-shifting reptilian alien, in spite of the youtube videos that 'prove'
otherwise (my apologies to any of you reading this who do believe it, I just can't fit it my box right now). I don't believe that I am part of a
'Matrix' world and that nothing is really real, it's all in my head.
But I do believe that something not human that we don't understand visits us in 'UFOs', that not all crop circles are created by pranking humans,
and that there are some really weird things going on in places like the 'Skinwalker Ranch' and the Bermuda Triangle.
In the end I read everything I can find that seems interesting and try to put pieces together myself so that I may see a glimpse of the 'big
picture.' I can't use all of the pieces, some of them just don't fit for me, but I use all the ones that I can fit to try and get a better picture
of reality.
I enjoy talking to other people, discussing ideas and theories and getting other viewpoints, but sadly there is no one in my real life I can do that
with, so I do it here on the internet. I like debate and discussion and even enjoy being challenged, but I don't like being ridiculed or attacked. If
you're interested I'd be happy to discuss anything I've learned, or you've learned, or are curious about, with you.
In the meantime, I suggest one course of action: take one thing that is of interest to you and start learning all you can about that one thing. (Like,
how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.) When you feel that you've learned as much as you really wanted to know about that topic (for now),
pick another one and go after it. If you try to learn about everything all at once you'll just get overwhelmed and frustrated and give up. At least,
that's my experience.
I think I'm about as new to ATS as you are, but anyway, Welcome!