There are loads of threads on ATS that will answer your question.
It's far simpler than you may realise.
The truth of the matter is that todays money is worthless, has no value and is just created on a computer out of thin air..they make it up as we go
If you've not had the chance, watch this video;
David Icke's big brother. There is a section in their that David taks about
Money used to be backed by gold, which gave it its value, but this was stopped in 1970. Since then money has been nothing more than a belief.
As David explains, if you borrow 50,000 from the bank, all the bank does is enter that number into your account through a you have
50,000 and are liabe to repay that plus interest. The money you earn, with which you buy real value items (like a car) is used to pay the debt plus
The dilemma is, where does the money come from for you to pay any interest...well the banks created that money by the exact same method they used to
give you 50,000, but by giving someone else a loan too.
This 'money' circulates and comes back around.
In reality, you are borrowing nothing and repay with nothing. If you default on your payments, then proceedings will be taken out against you to claim
any real valued items you may have (you lose your car).
The bank now has the added bonus of an item that has real value.
When the banks so desire, they allow more money onto the market so that everyone can buy more things like houses or land and new cars etc. And
equally, when the banks desire, they can withdraw money from circulation which causes a recession... this is where the scam comes into play.
The banks then ahve the power to claim ALL property from those who default on their repayments. Thus the banks become land/house/business owners and
will be more financially stable and can loan more money when they feel like increasing the money in circulation.
Nasty little web.
It's a big scam to allow the banks to have control over all our lives.