posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 07:21 AM
Whenever a country is plunged into turmoil, the good old British army is usually there to sort things out whether the UK's people like it or not. At
the moment, we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan without huge success. Our troops are demoralised and many are quitting. It looks as though Iran is
next on the menu.
However, there is one part of the world that is extremely corrupt and in genuine desperate need of outside help.. I'm talking about Africa, Zimbabwe
in particular. If Robert Mugabe and his regime is forced out of power and his followers taken care of, order could be restored in Zimbabwe. I know it
is probably just a matter fo time before this happens but why is it taking so long? This would just be a start to restoring order in Africa and
improving the lives of millions
Is Africa too much for the 'western' world to take on or are there other reasons, is the middle east more valuable therefore worth fighting for?
Surely human rights are more important than oil? The continent is rich in natural resources anyway but most of them have been exploited in the
I know that not ALL of Africa would benefit from our help as there are a lot of tribes, religion and superstition added to the previous colonisations
and the slave trade etc. But Zimbabwe is a country that really needs sorting out and we have the power to do it... why aren't we? The economy across
all of 'modern' Africa needs improving and with help from the rest of the world, there is no reason why this couldn't be achieved.