posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 07:20 PM
Originally posted by LDragonFire
So what do you think they will do?
Contempt of Congress?
No Charges?
(visit the link for the full news article)
I hope that they wait on the contempt charge until the end of Bushes term. If they find him in contempt now and place a warrant on his head, he will
undoubtly be pardoned. I could be totally wrong but i have a feeling that the reason that the Democratic congress appears to be dragging their feet
on so many issues against the current admin, is so they will have more leverage after the November elections.
They dont have a large enough majority to overturn any controversial vetos and this leads me to believe they are waiting until Obama wins and they
gain more seats in the House and Senate.
Same issue for the immunity vote that just happened. Although i think they should have pushed through the "no immunity" bill even though Bush would
veto it. Just to send the message. Thats what people are not realizing abou the immunity bill, lets say they passed a bill that pulled the immunity
from the telcoms, Bush would without a doubt veto the bill then it gets thrown back to congress and they need 2/3 majority to over ride the veto.
Which would require a lot of Republicans to vote against the wishes of the President and their own party. Voting against your own party on big
issues, in an election year, sends a really bad message(not implying that they shouldnt do whats right) to the constituents. If Republican voters see
that the Republican politicians are not going to back their own, it can cause some Republican voters to lose faith in their own party and increases
the chance that they vote for an Independent or god help us
This is just my two cents on the issue and I feel like we will see more done to hold the administration accountable once there is a Democratic
president and a larger margin for Dems in congress.