posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Okay I am getting so damn sick of Americans preaching about OUR rights, or lack of them, showing absolutely no knowledge of our way of life at all, in
fact with no logic at all either.
Let me ask, when was the last time you visited the UK? Never? Didn't think so. You make it so blatantly obvious that you have little or no idea about
that way our lives are lived, yet you seem to think you have the answer to all of our problems.
For example, we have one guy here telling us just how BAD life is in the US. "Memphis has people getting shot all time" along those lines, and yet
you're telling us that our law's / rights are all wrong!??!
ANOTHER STABBING IN LONDON!! You say it's insignificant on your scale, then surely OUR way is MUCH better!? You're basically saying that you should
be allowed to arm yourselves because it works better there, while at the same time saying that there's a LOT more crime there.
This makes absolute 0 sense to me. If things are worse there, then so are your laws, obviously, or things would be worse here no? Thus the fact that
when there is a stabbing over here it makes the headlines CLEARLY shows that we have less crime here, and that we're more shocked when it does
happen. Showing that our laws are definitely much better.
As for saying "Well if everyone has a gun, then no one will dare to pull one on the other" That's absolute bollocks, people will pull the knives if
they don't have a gun, knives you can run away from. You can't out run a bullet can you?
I understand the logic, basically if Russia is threatening the UK with nukes, then the best defence the UK can get would be to aquire it's own nukes,
which insures that if we're attacked, they are too. I understand this, but what you don't seem to understand is that if neither of them had any
nukes, then the problem wouldn't be there in the first place.
As for preaching about our rights, we are a FREE society. I can walk about say or do whatever I want, within reason. The rules that are there are
there for a purpose, and they serve that purpose well. You guys over there get shot all the time according to yourselves. Why don't we? THE LAWS!
So basically, think about things harder before coming around here and telling us how to run our own show, when clearly we're a lot well of than you