posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:37 PM
That's what i'm saying... let them have it, the option to immigrate to America exists for jews, smart people there won't be green card problems
lol... use are lobby or something worthwhile
It's ridiculous the holy thing to do with a holy place is to give it to your enemy, the side that can pracice such forgiveness and sacrifice for
peace could truely say they know g-d.
And my honest beliefs of the place: It's not Holy at all anyway.
This is the strip of land that every species of man that has crossed from Africa to the greater world encountered his predecessor and started the
process of genocide...
I think there is a mistake, that moses had no intention of stopping there, it's haunted, the bones of dead neanderthals lay by the bones of the
cromagnons that murdered them in this place, I wouldn't be suprised at all if people who live there often become possesed, it's that haunted, the
dead pile higher in this region than anywhere on Earth...
I think if christ lived there it was because a messianic figure would have to choose to try and transform the world starting from the heart of all
death and dispair in it
Lol Miami Ny and La are so much kinder to Jews... lol, no religous Jew I explain thuis too listens, no muslim listens with their stupid dome...
lol go to dubai if your palestinian Ny if your a jew...go enjoy yourselves...
every year thousands of people go to Jeruselem and leave believing that they are the messiah... tell me this isn't a sign of possesion, that the
place is haunted from all the death...
Jews really are an amazing people, so smart, so dynamic per person do more to better the world via innovation than anyone on Earth... and the Jews
that spend to much time in that region seem to literally go mad...
My people are screwing this up... Get away from Golgotha... everyone is so religous but they don't know a damn thing, every one reads the parts of
all the books they like, 80% of people can't read them in the original language the other 20% ignore the rest of the texts
Declare the place a dead zone, make it empty, make it illegal to touch your feet upon the hill of Golgotha, once you do your soul is likely finished
unless your truely pure of heart, give the place to the Muslims, make it bare, anything
Get away from Golgotha it is the source of all malevolence on Earth, Jesus wasn't the first to die there K? We are talking a Million years, that
spot, every time...
Fence it in, dump the worlds nuclear waste under Golgotha with a sign that says all thing malevolence on this world lay here
Isreal was not the promised land, the story of exodus was full of mistakes, Moses died when he came to Golgotha... the list goes on and on... Moses
didn't realize where he led his people, he was trying to go to the new world, there were trees and harbors there...
It was uninhabited for a reason... Even the Cananites and Giants did not go there to Golgotha...
All things turn at Golgotha all good is disparaged, all life is drained, the history of the Jews is what it is because of a stupid mistake of always
returning to Golgotha
Eveyr Empire that claims Golgotha falls, it's infection spreads to their home, the ones possesed return changed.
This is a bad place, you want to defeat Islam, let them pray upon that hill, let them have it
Why did g-d lose the jews in the desert for 40 year? To keep them from Golgotha, this was one of many points in Exodus Moses questioned g-d or the
jews questioned his word and completely screwed up... G-d doesn't punish, it wasn't a punishment, he was trying to save them in the face of Moses
leading them to a different place then g-d requested they go to get to the "land of milk and honey" The Americas, prepared in the wilderness to be
settled only a long, long time later by a people true to the word...
We know the Truth, In G-d we Trust, the Mormons know, our forefathers Knew, the Pilgrims knew... where the Holy land was, why America rose so fast,
what manifest destiny is...
why be contaminated further by Golgoha?
We need to just go... let them have it, it's the home of all evil, the blood spilled there, the human sacrifices, the wars, Thousands and thousands
of years, the gravity of the Deaths of Moses and Jesus and Enoch...
We don't worship the dead... that's what you do on Golgotha worship the dead... it's possesion that drives you once you live there, it's where
brother turns upon brother Jacob and Issac...
No one gets what the place is, it's niot the Jews fault they were tricked into staying there or Islams fault the Dome was built there... that';s
what golgotha does, Thats why when the messiah returns he sets his kingdom there... that's when the Jews return, when the King of KIng sits his
Throne on it and Caps off the spring of Evil... the Temple, the Throne doesn't go there because it's a good place, it goes there because it has to
keep whats there in check...
The Jews don't belong there, no one does, there will be no peace on Earth until that region is vacated by man
[edit on 11-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]