posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:54 PM
My name is Paul Isaac,
The following write up is false:
By Victor Thorn
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.—On the morning of Sept. 11, 2005, New York City auxiliary fire lieutenant Paul Isaac Jr. asserted, yet again, that 9-11 was an
inside job. “I know 9-11 was an inside job. The police know it’s an inside job; and the firemen know it too,” said Isaac.
As it totally conflicts with this article posted by screwloosechange of the same even:
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
My New Hero--Paul Isaac, Jr.
An auxiliary fireman in New York City, he gets into Avery and company's faces in Loose Change Extra Footage.
The Loose Change producers went to Ground Zero on September 11, 2005, to "pay their respects". Of course, what they really wanted to do was stir up
trouble, and Paul Isaac, Jr., recognized that immediately.
The video begins with the producers entering the subway. We see them taping up flyers for Loose Change.
They then hop a train and take it towards the WTC. At each stop they hop off and quickly tape up another flyer or two, then dash back onto the subway.
No kidding, we see this eight times. Maybe that explains why Dylan Avery was turned down for Purchase College's film program?
Paul Isaac gets his starring role from about 6:48 to about 12:00.
He points out that the Loose Change guys are just asking for trouble. "Who feels that this behavior is inappropriate for a public memorial, for 3000
people, who were killed?"
Note as well, that one of Avery's buddies is caught in an outright lie at about 8:52, claiming "I'm not with these people." This claim is undercut
by the fact that he's been with Avery since they entered the subway. Here's a picture of their argument (9:53):
The liar (who bears a remarkable resemblance to Jason Bermas) is at the left, Avery is next to him. Not sure who the young woman is. Isaac is at the
right in uniform. We get another lie from the liar at 10:11, when he claims, "I don't know one person here. Not one person." Of course at 11:54 the
liar's telling people that the movie is free, and to please come.
Mr Isaac, we salute you!
Directly from Loosechange:
On the road again
Fri Oct 21, 2005
Ok, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.
I'm leaving for NYC in a couple hours to interveiw none other than paul isaac jr.
he want to clear the air about a couple things,on the record,and give us somne things off the record. But i'd like to speak ahead of time for him and
say that this articvle right here?
"I know 911 was an inside job, the police know its an inside job, and the firemen know it too" Yeah total bull# !!!
He never said anything of the sort. I've got three different videos of paul having it out with lisa and nothing close to that is ever said. Somebodys
stretching the truth and I don't think its paul. Couple that with the complete lack of compliance on the part of chris petherick of AFP who refuses
paul request to remove wingtvs article and every other website on the inter which is touting that article as gospel and you can say that pauls a
little upset.
RIGHTFULL SO. I just wanted to vent a little because wingtv hasn''t been on the movements goodside for some time now and this incident further
throws their character into question.
Dylan Avery
Or VillageVoice "conspiracy theorist invade Ground Zero" at the same event:
At one point, an auxiliary fireman stepped forward and tried to reason with the protesters to "respect the memorial sentiment."
"Believe me, I have questions too," he told the protesters. "But you've got to respect the dead. These people are not ready for this. You're just
creating resentment."
thank you
Paul Isaac Jr (Sentinel)
Strength and Honor