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posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by ET3
Has anyone else noticed just which posts seem to catch the most attention? The kind of attention that gets it off the board as fast as possible? There are several topics that will get the SOP (standard operating procedure) of ignore � side track � posting of obvious pro-opposition dogma � rhetoric of meaningless messaging type posting � none secured theories instead of factual science and physics � outright lies � next slander and belittle the poster of the information. The list goes on, but the goals are always the same, get that information off the front pages of any forum they appear in. Just get it off. Out of sight is out of mind.

As I said in my introduction thread, an easily recognizable mark of conspiracy is the corruption of common knowledge. Control of information is the best that can be hoped for to prolong the non-disclosure policies covering many things. Some of those non-disclosure policies cover UFO�s, ETI�s, any information on those two topics whether it is from religionists, atheists, agnostics, mythologists, anthropologists, what have you, if it relates to ETI or UFO it doesn�t exist, it didn�t happen, and get the truth off the forums.

Yes, it seems there are a few that do directly attempt to side track � posting of obvious pro-opposition dogma � rhetoric of meaningless messaging, amazing how they show themselves.


posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 08:22 PM
Well, you didn�t really think that those of demonocracy (democracy) �marking� would take this laying down did you? Hell, there are pages and pages on line of all their tactics of information control. There are many that are seeing the way threads are being manipulated to control the information. The USA doesn�t want this to become known, the fallen angel ET�s don�t want this stuff known, the UN obeys the USA and oppresses those that won�t accept demonocracy.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by ET3
It didn?t surprise me to see the 616 vs. 666 thread moved. Yet to keep in touch with the threads intent and purposes it requires some more of the story. That it implicates the US government primarily and the UN organization as two of the beasts spoken of in Rev. prophecy is true. Washington DC being the seat of the worlds most powerful nation on earth and directed from the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is a remarkable coincidence. What I also find interesting is that nation has also given power and authority over to the UN to police the world for demonocracy. What you may know as democracy, the majority rules, and we know where that has now gotten us. Or some shadow government behind all that may be the reality. What is a reality is that there seems to be a concerted effort to keep the 616 manuscripts hidden, destroyed, slandered, and off the information highways.

Has anyone else noticed just which posts seem to catch the most attention? The kind of attention that gets it off the board as fast as possible? There are several topics that will get the SOP (standard operating procedure) of ignore ? side track ? posting of obvious pro-opposition dogma ? rhetoric of meaningless messaging type posting ? none secured theories instead of factual science and physics ? outright lies ? next slander and belittle the poster of the information. The list goes on, but the goals are always the same, get that information off the front pages of any forum they appear in. Just get it off. Out of sight is out of mind.

As I said in my introduction thread, an easily recognizable mark of conspiracy is the corruption of common knowledge. Control of information is the best that can be hoped for to prolong the non-disclosure policies covering many things. Some of those non-disclosure policies cover UFO?s, ETI?s, any information on those two topics whether it is from religionists, atheists, agnostics, mythologists, anthropologists, what have you, if it relates to ETI or UFO it doesn?t exist, it didn?t happen, and get the truth off the forums.

The bible seems to be the best evidence of ETI and human interaction over thousands of years but it has been religionized.

My bible footnotes say, “Other ancient authorities read six hundred sixteen”. What does yours say? Why are there no books on shelves discussing this 616 of ancient authorities, where are the ancient authorities books? What I find very interesting is that 600 is DC and if you are not in the Good Old Boys Club of Democracy, Washington DC, supported by the UN, your nation is imposed with sanctions. Apparently the White House was 16 Pennsylvania Avenue but is now addressed 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Interesting how just resently the 616 has come out in the news and one of those ancient authorities may be Irenaeus. Even more interesting is that the one that brought up the issue of 616 vs 666 was banned.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:11 PM
actually there have been several threads on this before , i did a search and could only find one though. ive always said that 1kings10 locks in the meaning in revelations 13:18, and that 616 appears wrongly because of the jewish application it had signifying caligua worship.

washington uses 616 because its a type, as caligua, and not the actual thing.

[edit on 2005-5-16 by NuTroll]

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