posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:54 PM
i had a talk with a person years ago online.
i talked to him for a year or so in a chat room, decent man, well educated.
he told me was heavily involved with the manufacture of mobile phones and mobile phone masts.
he told me years ago, that in time, say 10/20 years, that we would all end up dead or zombies due to the phones. he always said something about a thin
line of blood round your scull, and what phones to do it.
well iv just read and replied to this thread for a few days, there are many like it.. great thread also
could we unwillingly and unknowingly be killing ourself's slowly ?
the world seems to have gone bonkers. the things we are doing to each other in the name of humanity HAS to be having an effect on us.
Thoughts ?