posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:58 PM
Today, at about 3:30 PM eastern time MSNBC did a live segment with David Shuster in Washington speaking to a correspondent in Iran via satellite.
They were discussing the missile tests that Iran performed and the escalations of tensions between Israel and Iran. The reporter in Iran was
discussing the likelihood that the Iranian missile tests were in direct response to Israel's massive war exercises last month. David Shuster asked
another question, and with the camera still on Shuster, the guy in Iran was heard to utter one syllable when Shuster said that they had lost their
feed from Iran. Then, they cut to the guy in Iran with a very puzzled expression on his face. Maybe the expression was fear. Finally, they cut back
to Shuster in Washington where he begins to say something, only to be interrupted by color bars with text saying something about a Washington
satellite. Is Iran controlling our media? Or, is this just a case of MSNBC protecting their reporter in Iran? Whatever the case, I smell a