posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I'm in South Central WI near the border of IL. This evening, after a line of severe thunderstorms passed, a nice rainbow appeared in the sky. While
admiring it, we (the three members of my household) discussed how noticeably yellow the lighting in the neighborhood seemed. After a while it started
to take on a slightly reddish cast, followed by a more subtle purple. We joked that these color changes indicated that we were, in fact, at the end of
that rainbow.
This event intrigued me, and a quick google search led me to this discussion. Even more surprising, this thread was started yesterday. Only because of
that I felt compelled to share my experience.
Because the original poster saw the yellow sky just yesterday, and others are seeing it too - as well as myself seeing it tonight - I tend to believe
that the original post was genuine and not a hoax.
As for the youtube video, I don't know how to explain the "blue sky.. click click.. now yellow sky" that we all saw - BUT at the same time I really
don't feel that this person did anything intentionally to make this happen. Wouldn't someone trying to "fake" this event cut the small portion
containing blue sky out of the video anyway? Also, it should be noted that this person's username does NOT have any other videos on youtube
pertaining to "yellow" anything.... there are only "related videos" that reference yellow. These are there (obviously?) because youtube uses
keywords (like yellow) for the "related content" links.
Anyway, I really regret not getting pictures/video myself. Didn't think fast enough I guess. If I ever see this phenomenon again I'll be prepared to
grab the camera!
Digit of Sevens