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What if we threw out all the illegal immigrants?

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posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Hey Brother sister how are you? welcome and enjoy, is my view! cos we cant all fit in that one place where we all come from!
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Yeah! thats the nicest thing i've read in a long time, theres too many stuck up undercover racist pratts just moaning about crap that doesn't even matter.
The idea of a "country" and "borders" confuses me personally.
If i was born in Antarctica that isnt really my fault, so if i wanted to live in America or Britain, why would it be an issue? Do "they" OWN the land, do "they" OWN the earth?
I SHOULD be able to travel wherever.
Yesterday, i was eating in KFC, and a lady holding a baby came in and was begging for her child (she was of kurdish/bosnian heritage), it was quite distressing.
It made me upset because i've heard people complain about "our jobs are being taken" or "they're getting all the housing" etc, this isn't true, the TV will have you believe that but WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

If your not welcoming to your fellow human neighbours than you are not HUMANE!

You go to work, you still get taxed the same amount even if there were no "illegals", if you want your government to spend more on YOU tell them to stop the WAR, im sure that will save them some money. These "wars" are why they're own countries are not worth living in anyway.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:01 AM

Hey Brother sister how are you? welcome and enjoy, is my view! cos we cant all fit in that one place where we all come from!
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Yeah! thats the nicest thing i've read in a long time, theres too many stuck up undercover racist pratts just moaning about crap that doesn't even matter.
The idea of a "country" and "borders" confuses me personally.
If i was born in Antarctica that isnt really my fault, so if i wanted to live in America or Britain, why would it be an issue? Do "they" OWN the land, do "they" OWN the earth?
I SHOULD be able to travel or live wherever.
Yesterday, i was eating in KFC, and a lady holding a baby came in and was begging for her child (she was of kurdish/bosnian heritage), it was quite distressing.
It made me upset because i've heard people complain about "our jobs are being taken" or "they're getting all the housing" etc, this isn't true, the TV will have you believe that but WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

If your not welcoming to your fellow human neighbours than you are not HUMANE!

You go to work, you still get taxed the same amount even if there were no "illegals", if you want your government to spend more on YOU tell them to stop the WAR, im sure that will save them some money. These "wars" are why they're own countries are not worth living in anyway.

There is too much "illegal" this and "illegal" that, the whole concept is a joke!
We are all humans!

Would you work for a low salary? No? then dont! Someone will. Let them. Simple.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:01 AM
All Illegal law breaking scum everywhere should be deported directly to Iran. There they could "nuke" the Iranian economy before Israel or the US has to do it.

Just visited a northern state where the summer help was all "legal" russian because they could not get their normal "quota" of mexicans. I was shocked and delighted how well and smoothly my vacation went dealing with people who at least tried to learn english while workng here in the US.

God Bless Wyoming the home of the honorable DICK Cheney.....

[edit on 10-7-2008 by heliosprime]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Matt_Mulder

Stop blaming immigrants. Some of us are just as unaware of the value of work. If we spent less time eating s*** and watchin crappy tv instead of blaming the black man next door , maybe the world would be a little better and our employment agencies less crowded of "i-don't-care-i-have-a-back-problem-let-me-enjoy-the-benefits" . In Europe, especially in France and Britain, the Social Security is dying because of this bunch of ever-reproducing jerks, always willing to give birth to uneducated and ammoral kids. Welcome to the 21st century

Its not just a case of "dont blame immigrants"- I realise immigrants are just individuals who are trying to improve their lives, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that- HOWEVER, neither is there anything wrong with citizens in a sovereign nation complaining about the amount of illegal immigrants (as well as legal) in their nation, whether it be for social, integration, cultural or economic reasons.

I agree though that benefits system needs overhauled as too many people, both native AND immigrants, abuse it

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:51 AM
The Illigal Alien problem is just that, a big problem...

That Article is terrible, a peice of nothing but a little fear-mongering... that should be easy enough to see...

Heres what i think will happen... ill break it down into a couple Catagories:

Negative Short Term(0-12 months):
A readjustment in produce, that slightly raises the Prices of Food.

Positive Short Term:
HS and College students all of a sudden would have millions of jobs, putting Money into the Hands of hard working Americans
Less outbreaks of deadly 3rd world desiaeses
Less time waiting at the hospital
IMIDEATE drop in ALL Crime
Public Schools will have MUCH less students, haveing a higher teacher:Student Ratio

Negative Long Term Effects(1-20 years):
Decrease in population
Big Corps lose money as some 15-40 million consumers are gone.

Positive Long Term:
An increase in money, as free-loading illigals are off the free-ride
The Restablishment of the USDA as the premir drugs and food in the world
Revitilized American Nationalism
Increase in Goverment Programs for American Citizens
More Money STAYING in America

But then again, i dont have a degree form a Prestigiuos University, and i didnt major in journalism...

The article is so bad... epicly bad... top of the line Propaganda...

If this article fools you, you are a moron, im sorry... read this line...

... argues that studies show that immigrants in general are less likely to commit crimes or to end up behind bars than native-born Americans

First, we are talking ILLIGAL immigrants, not Legal Imigrants, its just plain Dumb to puut Legal Immigrants from Germany or Sweeden in with the same Group as the Illigal Mexicans who run across the boarder...

Now, since we are talking about ILLIGAL immigrants, and not all immigrants, lets just LOGICALY think about thier crime Rates...

Each person who breaks into this country ILLIGALY, is a FEDERAL Criminal! That Means, that 100% of ALL Illigal Aliens are Criminals. That is just a fact, you may not like it, but you have to deal with it.

I am not a Criminal, therefore, less then 100% of American Citizens are Criminals... That, also is a fact...

Therefore, by a VERY simple procces using logic, it VERY clear that Iligals Aliens COMMIT more Crime. But, such simple logic is lost on the minds who are in control of the media... its sick, but that too is also a fact...

So Basicly... the People that would be worst off, Big Buisness Owners, who measure profits in BILLIONS... and Custemers in Millions...

The Removal of ALL illigals would Benifit 99.9 % of Americans. MABYE, MABYE would hurt the Uber-Corperate leaders... like the Bill Gates, and the Walmart guy... so realy, dont shed a tear for the biullionaires, support your American Brothers and Sisters...

And Lets work together to REMOVE ALL ILLIGALS... do everything you can, report your landlord if they rent to illigals, report resturants that employe illigals, report Lawn Servcies that Hire illigals, report, report, report... AND JUST HOPE THAT you dont live in a Sancuary City Like Los Angles, or San Fransicko...

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Why can't people just honestly admit that the illegal community as a whole absorbs more money than they contribute. ONE child in the Ca. schools system costs $10,000/year. What is the average number of children? How about emergency rooms?

To you that said if you see an illegal alien in a $40K SUV, "good for them they earned it"--what about taxes that their legal cousin had to pay on that $40K? Hey, we'd all be doing quite a bit nicer with a tax-free existence, wouldnt we? So you say you pay an illegal $8 for a job that costs $10-$12 for an american to do. In essence, you're just not contributing their federal and state 941 taxes, work. comp and income taxes on them. And wow, we're right back at that $10 you were complaining about paying.
Except the local school gets no money. The state gets no maintence money.

If employers were forced to pay a better wage, it would mean a top-down shift in capital. One thing I never hear after all the complaining about businesses can't pay any higher wages is that all those wage earners suddenly have more income. More taxable income on top of that. Americans aren't exactly known for hanging on to any money they have, so count on that going back into the economy pretty much immediately. Welfare has it's place, but the current system is a joke. There are no incentives to get off of it. Think of all the things like work crews that could beautify the country. Millions of "free" workers. Maybe after a bit of doing that, some might actually try their hand at the job market. Why not, when you can work the same amount of hours and make a few more bucks at a "real" job.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Why can't people just honestly admit that the illegal community as a whole absorbs more money than they contribute. ONE child in the Ca. schools system costs $10,000/year. What is the average number of children? How about emergency rooms?

To you that said if you see an illegal alien in a $40K SUV, "good for them they earned it"--what about taxes that their legal cousin had to pay on that $40K? Hey, we'd all be doing quite a bit nicer with a tax-free existence, wouldnt we? So you say you pay an illegal $8 for a job that costs $10-$12 for an american to do. In essence, you're just not contributing their federal and state 941 taxes, work. comp and income taxes on them. And wow, we're right back at that $10 you were complaining about paying.
Except the local school gets no money. The state gets no maintence money.

If employers were forced to pay a better wage, it would mean a top-down shift in capital. One thing I never hear after all the complaining about businesses can't pay any higher wages is that all those wage earners suddenly have more income. More taxable income on top of that. Americans aren't exactly known for hanging on to any money they have, so count on that going back into the economy pretty much immediately. Welfare has it's place, but the current system is a joke. There are no incentives to get off of it. Think of all the things like work crews that could beautify the country. Millions of "free" workers. Maybe after a bit of doing that, some might actually try their hand at the job market. Why not, when you can work the same amount of hours and make a few more bucks at a "real" job.

Edit: And to the article:

Strawberries rot in the field. Berry prices immediately skyrocket because lack of supply. Farmers take note of new profits available. Hire new employees at fair wages, harvest and send berries to market. Market sees more product, the prices start to fall. The give and take goes on until a new, corrected price is settled upon. This price will support the industry at more realistic levels. Illegals are NOT the goose that laid the golden egg. You can't get something for nothing (cheap products)--you (or someone else in society) WILL pay for it in another area. Are that are for illegal immigration also in favor of chinese slave labor? Those factories are only providing them a job, right?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:55 AM
that's an example of an impossible scenario being used to justify your position. There is no event of circumstance that would account for all of the illegal immigrants disappearing out of the country. If they were leaving or being forced to leave though, it would be a gradual process that would allow plenty of time for citizens to pick up the slack; and citizens would do those jobs. People who say American's want do the menial labor jobs that illegals do are moronic. You can always find plenty of people to do a given job, especially when the jobs require no education or specialized skills.

If you're going to argue a position, do it with a possible scenario.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 12:04 PM
What does illegal immigration COST Americans?

[url=]Illegal Immigrants>>>>How Much They Cost

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 01:39 PM
The first post of this thread was so asinine that I couldn't bring myself to read any farther. Does no one understand how things work anymore? The reason illegals work those jobs right now is because the companies that pay them are not willing to pay wages that will bring legal workers.

So this will raise prices, you say? On some things, the rungs of the employment ladder shift to compensate, something else'll make more money. Instead of the bottom rung being made up with illegals making dirt, it will be made up with workers making at least the minimum wages. So those now making minimum, would end up being bumped up a rung, and those above them, the same, etcetcetc. So one, you'd have more money in your pocket to pay for higher prices. But that's not all; there is a very large benefit to all of this, too.

The US economy is dying; meanwhile, the economy of Mexico is booming. Wonder why? Illegals are flooding the Mexican economy with the money they earn here illegally. So not only do they rob honest citizens in terms of social programs that they participate in without paying into, but they are killing our economy as well, bleeding us to death like a medieval hedge doctor. The only people who benefit from illegals are the business who rake in huge profits by paying dishonest wages and the politicians who use the issue to win votes. We the people lose, and lose big. It's sad that so many people seem to lack the ability to understand something so fundamental.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Rootmean & Keyhole,very good posts.

Want the welfare?Do the work.People will definately get off thier butts if you cut them off.Our welfare system is ridiculous.My parents were dependant on 2 incomes for 17 years.My mom got sick and couldn't work and they lost an income.Yet,they couldn't qualify for food stamps because my dad made "too much".Sad thing is,he really doesn't make that much.

Also,I am for LEGAL immigration.I am even ok with work visas,as long as it's legal and they contribute to the tax system.If they take taxes out of my check,they should be taken out of thiers.


posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis

What if we threw out all the illegal immigrants?< br />

Lettuce and strawberries would rot in the fields. Dirty dishes would pile up in restaurants. Thousands of farmers and builders would go bust. Predator aircraft drones would prowl the Mexican border. And chunks of Los Angeles and Houston would look like ghost towns.

The biggest losers would be middle-class families with two working parents, living in high-immigrant states such as California, Texas, Florida or New York. Why? They would pay more for food, housing, entertainment and child care as a shortage of low-skilled workers drove up some wages, and therefore, some prices.
(visit the link for the full news article)

What a joke... More rhedoric as purposed by the Bush administration. You know the whole, "they do work that Americans WON'T do".

I own a construction business and have NEVER hired illegal immigrants. I also have NEVER had any problem finding Americans to do hard manual labor for me. Despite what our pres. thinks, Americans want to work and are not lazy.

This garbage about the construction industry going bust and strawberries rotting in the fields is all 100% grade A, pure bovin feces.

[edit on 10-7-2008 by jfj123]

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