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A days experience with one of my friend's recruiter

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Recently, some people I know left to boot camp, and some who are already done with boot camp. I used to try to talk about politics with them, but they did not have any interest in the conversations. They said they don't care about politics, and they don't care who is, or who is not going to be the future president. They should care! The reason they mostly joined was not to fight for "freedom", or defeat those damn "terrorist", but because they had nothing going for them at the moment, and that it can jump start their future, so they say.

Before on of my friends left to boot camp, he had to go to the recruiting office to do some last minute things. I was with with him when he went. So I was sitting in a chair in the office, reading all the propaganda pamphlets and propaganda posters to pass the time, and provide a good chuckle, waiting for my friend to be done. But for some reason, the recruiter said we had to drive over to another office for some reason. We arrived to the office. We walked in, and another recruiter greeted us. So I took another seat, reading the same propaganda, waiting, but this office contained a lot of recruiters and soldiers. One of them walked up to me and asked if I wanted to join the military, and I replied, "No". Then he asked me what I wanted to do with my life, and I replied that I am going to be a computer engineer. He snickered, and said good luck, and walked away.

To me, they sounded really uneducated, and they also use a swear word in every sentence. After a while my friend and the recruiter were done. They walked out of one of the offices, and another recruiter, a high-ranking one came to us. He ordered my friend's recruiter to take us out to breakfast, and he told the recruiter, "That's why you received the extra funding, is to take them to eat." They also tried to offer us Angel baseball tickets and what not.

So we arrive at an Ihop. We ordered and start eating. The only reason I think the high-ranking officer ordered him to take us out to breakfast was because I could be a potential recruit. So my friend and I sat their with the recruit, and another soldier guy, my friend sitting there, who already signed off a part of his life away, and me, who was no way in hell going to sign up, even how convincing a recruiter can sound. He started talking about how "fun" the soldier life is, how every base has women near it who always want to **** the soldiers, and how alcohol is abundant on base. We finished eating and went home. Well at least the recruiters had good personalities.

A lot of people who are joining, or are already in the military get swooped up by the recruiters. It isn't the troops fault that the American Federal government is conducting an illegal war. Usually, the people who join do no know a lick of politics, well maybe the propaganda they teach in the public classrooms. They are trained to obey, and kill, and not question. People should be mostly angry at the corrupt government, not the puppets who make up the military. Those are my thoughts, what are yours?

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:15 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 11:03 PM
Hi gen0cide,

Erm, you went to a recruiting station and were surprised when they tried to, well, recruit you?

A lot of people who are joining, or are already in the military get swooped up by the recruiters. It isn't the troops fault that the American Federal government is conducting an illegal war. Usually, the people who join do no know a lick of politics, well maybe the propaganda they teach in the public classrooms. They are trained to obey, and kill, and not question. People should be mostly angry at the corrupt government, not the puppets who make up the military.

Yeah, soldiers are trained to obey and kill. But are you sure they "do no [sic] know a lick of politics"? Are you certain that you simply aren't projecting your own negative attitudes and biases onto the motivations of others?

When I am finished with my nursing program, I am going to join the military. Not out of desperation, but honor. Not because I have nothing better to do, but because I want to. And certainly not because I am ignorant.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 12:30 AM
The two responses are speaking of very honorable situations and I applaud them. But just because you are honorable does not make the rest of the world that way. Just because you are honest does not mean your politicians will be for example. Imagine for one second that the recruiting officers and the young recruits you meet while there might be driven by things other than honor.

Just try to put yourself in our shoes.

I was going to join. The OP is right that the new recruits are *typically* driven by basic motivations, and the recruiters are appealing to those. That's why there is a 40,000 dollar signing bonus lol. I wonder what the signing bonus was back when there was a draft in WW2?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:35 AM
You know very well that there are some guys who are going to finish High School, stay at home, not work, and eventually get in trouble with the law.

Wouldn't you rather see them join the military and make something of themselves.

You look at them as mindless robots--they look at you as a spineless wuss.

I don't agree that we should be in Iraq, but I admire any young man or woman that sign up knowing they'll be going over there.

You should be happy that your friend is finding direction for himself rather than sleeping till noon, watching tv all day and just living off his parents.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:41 AM
To the original poster,
[snip]. It's obvious from the language you use that you already have a deep hatred for the armed forces, so you would see almost everything they do as stupid or misguided. But tell me, what nation ever survived on this planet without a well funded and organized military?

Mod Edit- Removed Insult.

Civility and Decorum are Required

[edit on 9-7-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:49 AM
"The OP is right that the new recruits are *typically* driven by basic motivations, and the recruiters are appealing to those." Not everyone has "sophisticated" motivations of college or business after HS.

Some people don't want to flip burgers, run price checks, or get sucked into crime--they'd rather joing the military than make a career at the local Walmart.

With the economy the way it is going, HS grads who don't go to college are going to have it really hard.

Live at home
Get cheap apt, make close to min wage in service industry
Go to college

If you can't go to college, is the military really so bad?

[edit on 9-7-2008 by DoBravery]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Wow guys, being a little rough on the OP don't you think?

Deep hatred for the armed forces? Won't amount to a whales scrotum? Just because he went with his friend to the recruiters and reported back here more or less what he saw and heard?

Did I miss something or am I just not reading between the lines enough? Heck, the only thing he said that was even slightly opinionated was:

Usually, the people who join do no know a lick of politics, well maybe the propaganda they teach in the public classrooms. They are trained to obey, and kill, and not question. People should be mostly angry at the corrupt government, not the puppets who make up the military.

...and isn't that pretty much accurate?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 12:00 PM
The OP isn't getting anything they don't deserve here in my opinion.

It's obvious this person believes all military members to be either ignorant, uneducated or worse.

I have no problem with him posting this and sparking discussion about recruitment. But the obvious disdain for the military irritates me.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 12:27 PM
So, between the soldiers and the recruiters, they:

1. "sounded really uneducated" (OP's opinion, but at least he based it on what he was hearing)

2. "they also use a swear word in every sentence." (probably an exaggeration, but also telling of the "level" of professionalism exhibited. After all, we don't hear swear words in every sentence in the "corporate world" now do we)

3. told them "how every base has women near it who always want to **** the soldiersz' (more of that good ol' armed services professionalism?)

4. "how alcohol is abundant on base" (are they only recruiting "drinking age" youngsters now, or are they trying to appeal to those that haven't yet reached that age?)

Perhaps the OP's "obvious disdain" had something to do with the above? Hmmmmm?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:29 PM
1. Yes the OP opinion.

2. If you think you don't hear swearing on the corporate world you're naive. I'll let you come sit in on our next meaning.

3. A womans behavior should not reflect on the soldiers who serve near her. That speaks more to her character than theirs.

4. Soldiers live on base. Some drink. I have beer in my fridge.

And tho the mod who edited my post based on the "insult", did you consider that the original post is a bigger "insult" to all who serve in the armed forces?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Unkle Greggo
1. Yes the OP opinion.

2. If you think you don't hear swearing on the corporate world you're naive. I'll let you come sit in on our next meaning.

3. A womans behavior should not reflect on the soldiers who serve near her. That speaks more to her character than theirs.

4. Soldiers live on base. Some drink. I have beer in my fridge.

And tho the mod who edited my post based on the "insult", did you consider that the original post is a bigger "insult" to all who serve in the armed forces?

With respect, you've missed my (and the OP's) point, I think. When I read the OP, I hear someone complaining and trying to inform us about the less than professional behavior and methods demonstrated by the recruiters.

-Swearing in the office, even though it happens, is unprofessional.
-Presenting the local women as sex objects, though it may be true, is unprofessional.
-The drinking I'm not clear on. I assume the drinking age of 21 applies to soldiers as well, so tempting minors with the idea of alcohol-o-plenty, to me, is unprofessional.

I support the allowing of 18-20 year old soldiers to drink though, to me if you're in the military, it should be legal.

What I can't seem to grasp from this thread though, is WHERE does the OP insult people who serve in the military?
He supports his friends, even though they don't care about the political aspect of his arguments.
He doesn't care for the recruiters, but still complements them on their personality.
He says outright it isn't the troops fault, that it's the corrupt government.

Is it the "puppets"? A bad choice of words, I agree, but to be fair, he was talking about how soldiers are trained to obey, not question, etc...All of which is more or less true.

Where did he, the OP, insult everybody in the military? What am I missing?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 08:54 PM
My intent of me was not trying to insult the soldiers, but to express my thoughts on my encounter of a recruiter, and how they recruit people. I think it is lowly that the recruiters talk about all these miraculous, fun, entertaining activities ( By expressing it in a non-professional matter), and not talking about what being a soldier really means, and the negatives, not just its all fun in games, which it is not.

During the end of my experience, the recruiter asked me what high school I just graduated from, and I told him. He asked me what recruiter covers that area, and I didn't really understand what he meant by this for a second, then I remember that they recieve extra money for each person they get to sign up. I replied, "I don't know." Then his voice became aggressive and asked me how he looked, what color he was, his height. I replied, I don't know, I've seen a couple different ones at my school." Right then, I realized even more, that all it is about is money. That each recruiter has their own territory, and if another recruiter treads on this territory, they become angered.

I myself, became angered when I found out that the multiple people I know got screwed over by the government. One, who signed up to become a medic in the navy, which I very much respect, ( except for taking lives, he wanted to save the lives that die for out old, armchair commanders and leaders. ) So he left to boot camp, and he was promised a 2 weak leave for Christmas, at signing. Christmas came up, and the government backed down from their agreement, and denied him his leave. Not fair, not setting a good example for the children.

So at the end of his boot camp training, and I think it was basic medical school, the government said that it will cost them too much money to train him as a medic. Now on the weekdays, hes and intern at a hospital for two years to learn. Then a medic.

Then, I know this guy who for a while his dream was to be a Navy SEAL. He knew that only the elite of the elite of soldiers actually become one. He was told that if he is not good enough, that he will start out as a basic Seaman. So he goes to boot camp, and the government tells him that too many people are applying just for the training to see if you are good enough or not to become a SEAL. So now he is in infantry. The government could have told him that in the beginning! But he probably wouldn't of signed up then.

Then there's another friend who just recently left to boot camp, the one I went with to the recruiting office. He signed up to be a computer specialist in the Army. I approve of that position too because I myself love technology, but no one needs my approval because that it is their life, and they can live it at their own expense. Now, from past happenings, I can only use simple, logical reasoning, that he will become screwed over, too.

I am not a Spineless Wuss. I am for a military. A military that doesn't have leaders that are motivated by greed, but leaders who are motivated by good, by uncensored freedom, and protecting the citizens of their own country. If some country somehow sends their soldiers on our land, and starts to kill innocent citizens, I would obtain a gun and fight for the innocence, the good. Not the greed, money hungry, the power hungry, or the dim-witted. This does sound like 911, does it not? If you believe 911 was an inside job, or not, our reasons for occupying another country, is no longer valid. The good, and the innocence of that country are ceasing to exist because of the greedy leaders here. I also loathe how the corrupt are slowly erasing our freedoms away from the glorious constitution, that the fore-fathers of this country wrote, which I deeply respect. Maybe that is why I sound a little biased in my paragraphs. I guess my view does not matter as yet I am only 17 thus rendering me with the inability to vote.

[edit on 9-7-2008 by gen0cide]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:01 PM
For some one who has been there done that, I see a few things wrong with your last post. Your friend who signed up to be a Navy Corpsmen (not medic) would of had to have a contract that stated he was going into the Navy as an HM. They teach HM's up at NTC Great Lakes, and there is a hospital on that base where the Corp school is at. Now it could be that you just misinterpreted what your friend said, which I could understand if you don't know the Navy language or how it operates.
Your friend who wanted to be a Navy SEAL, it is not the "elite of the elite of soldiers" that go through the training. Unless the Navy has changed the way sailors get to BUDS, a sailor has to have a SEAL source rating. So your friend needed to come into the Navy with a "rate" in his contract. Example, Gunners Mate, Corpsmen, which is called "A" school. Oh, in boot camp or while in "A" school they have to pass a screen test which consists of a swim, pull ups, sit-ups and a run. Once a sailor is complete with his "A" school and passes the screen test they go to BUDS in San Diego. If you quit BUDS you then go to out to the fleet to serve on a ship in your rate. Now I know you can come in the Navy as an undesignated seaman, which means that you don't go through "A" school. Now if BUDS is accepting those sailors and that sailor quits. That sailor will still go and serves on a ship, the Navy does not have an infantry.
I am sure that that since you have never been exposed the Navy, or how it is run that some things may seem unclear. That is no fault of your own if you have never been exposed to it before.
The best advice I can give for someone who wants to join the military, before they talk to a recruiter is to due tons of research online. A good site like has tons of information. That way you can go into the recruiter’s office with the right information to read through the BS.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by gen0cide

When you started this thread did you have any idea you would attract so many military recruiters poised and ready to defend their job and their honor?

I will tell you MY experience when I was in a bad place in my life. And this was before 911. I was in between homes (homeless) living with friends. One friend was joining and he was doing all he could to get me to go with him despite the fact I had my reservations... Well I got talked into it.

But I smoked pot back then.

The recruiter actually had THC tests and told me what I needed to take to clean my system quickly. I went through 3 in two weeks till my system was clean. I still did not get in. I failed the shrink evaluation (THANK GOD)!

Recruiters prey on the poor and the "less educated". They don't spend their money and energy on those eager to join because those people already have their minds set. But if your poor or dim witted they will wine and dine you to get you in.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by metal1992

You are right, metal1992, he signed up to be a corpsman. He did go to Great Lakes. And yes, is a good site to research into, more people should look at that site even before talking to a recruiter.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:59 PM
Well I have never been a recruiter, I can see how from reading my last post how you might think that.
Now don't take this the wrong way and I hope your life is in a better place now, but I don't want a pot head working on a aircraft I am going flying in. There is a reason the military has random drug testing.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by gen0cide

You are complaining that they are persuading you (I will not judge if they are doing it right or wrong), with offers that people in other countries would value and appreciate.

You are lucky that you live in the U.S., the vast majority of countries in the world would draft you in a war situation.

Your nationality is a gift, you should be thankful, and stop complaining.

And the war being legal or not, is not the question.

[edit on 9-7-2008 by Camilo1]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by metal1992

My life is in a much better place now. Although I don't smoke pot anymore I still consider myself one of the fold. You said something interesting though: "but I don't want a pot head working on a aircraft I am going flying in". You might be really surprised to know how prevalent drugs are in the military. I have heard stories of submarine sailors smoking on board. My grand father brought home all sorts of interesting things from Korea himself. I know the pilots fly on uppers and downers. And don't get me started on military drinking. You may not want a pothead working on your plane but truth be told you may not ever know about it if it happened.

It is a true but unaddressed problem

For example the "Navy cure" for random drug tests, as told to me was to OD on water then pee at the end of the day.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:52 PM
I agree that the military in the past drug use was not that big of a deal. I know that drinking problems in the military is a constant issue. I can only think of one qoute, "a man's got to know his limitations".

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