A stereo file. Left channel is VHF Groom tower and control
(approach/departure).Right channel is the old Groom UHF tower. I think
the function of this frequency has changed of late, perhaps with planes
now being equipped with VHF and UHF radios. Callsign of the month is
BAMBI for the Janets. The military flight uses the BORRIS (16, 67 and
69) and RAMROD callsign. Borris 16 had some interesting computer problems:
This is a mono recording of just the military frequency.
Back to stereo again. There is an odd rerouting of a Janet (Bambi 18) to
the north to get it out of the way of the testing. Borris 16 lands using
drogue chute. Even though Borris 16 had landed, some testing is still
going on, so it is assumed more than one test plane was in the air.
Mono recording of the VHF tower and clearance frequency. Borris 67 lands
with a drouge chute. There is talk of "high key" and "low key", which is
usually for simulated flame out, but I suspect it has a different
meaning here. Borris 16 doesn't land at Groom. Later, there is a Borris
61 callsign, which eventually lands at Groom. Bambi 69 has a minor
warning light issue. "Crater" is now being used as a fix. This is
assumed to be the Sedan Crater on the Nevada Test Site.
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