posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Evertyime I see one of these "crowd control" stories about how they are gonna use all this stuff on people I cant help but wonder when people will
start bringing their own weapons and stop taking this crap.
Also, these people that make these weapons (mostly ex-military if you havent noticed) and the police that use them always say the same thing, "dont
cause trouble and there wont be a need to use them." Basically in our "free" society if you want to yell at our politicians for screwing our
government, society, and way of life up you should be prepared to get slimed, tased, and have seizures induce by lights and have the sensation of your
skin being on fire by ray guns and numerous other things.
Best start saving your cash, in five years youll have to take out a bank loan to throw a couple molotov cocktails.
[edit on 8-7-2008 by emptee]