posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by DisabledVet
This thread was started "posted on 7/7/2008 @ 02:51 PM".
Yours was started "posted on 7/7/2008 @ 10:57 PM".
At least that's the times I see that each thread was submitted.
Now, about this bracelet the government may want to put on every airline passenger
Here are a few quotes from Bush after 9/11:
This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views."
Is it freedom when you are forced to wear a bracelet that somebody can immobolize you with? Who exactly is destroying our freedoms!
"We will always value freedom, yet we will not allow those who plot against our country to abuse our freedoms and our protections."
It seems like our own government is the one abusing our freedoms if they allow this shocking bracelet idea to go forward.
"One way to defeat terrorism is to show the world the true values of America through the gathering momentum of a million acts of responsibility
and decency and service."
What American value does it show the world by having civillians wearing immobilizing bracelets? Is it an act of decency to require your citizens to
wear a immobilizing/shocking bracelet? Just in case?
"We will not give in to exaggerated fears or passing rumors. We will rely on good judgment and good old common
Well, in my book, even thinking about forcing airline passengers to wear these shocking bracelets shows the governments "exaggerated fears", and I
really don't think that this idea shows "good judgment and good old common sense.
Seems like the US government is the one who is de-humanizing Americans now more than the terrorists!
[edit on 7/8/2008 by Keyhole]