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Something has changed, timeline?

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:50 PM
I recall a day when things in my life started to feel weird and changing...Like I was dead and ended up somewhere else...March 19 2008.
And a day since when most things in my life seems out of place, not meant to be. Have you ever looked one of your friends thinking " This friendship wasn't meant to be ". There is something I feel wrong.
The date was August 19 2010.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:53 PM
I can't find my previous post, and for more than a moment I've seen 94 pages in this thread...
What is going on?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Zagari
I can't find my previous post, and for more than a moment I've seen 94 pages in this thread...
What is going on?

As to the page thing. Sometimes blank pages get added to a thread. Something about making room on the server. I think it happens maybe when it defrags the hard drives. It has been talked about before

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

Yeah but I just had deja vu and I do remember this thread being 96 pages long and full of posts not blank pages either and this discussion between Fixer and Zagari really DEJA VU!!!! Like Twilight Zone stuff!
edit on 20-10-2011 by ldyserenity because: spelling

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 08:17 AM
I think I experienced a timeline shift from hell see this is what I know that my psychic friend told me that on a trip that my car is going to wreck because me and the old man were having a fight that led to the wreck. Well I decided (this was November 2010, btw) to try to jump lines to avoid this wreck. Apparently avoiding the wreck (Because it didn't come to pass). So at this point I had noticed and posted about many things that I noticed different about this timeline. Well that wasn't even the half of it. It's too much pain to post here, but my life is in shambles right now and I really beleive that it is because I jumped out of the other timeline, And I know a lot of skeptics will be bashing me but I really could care less, can't hurt me any more than I am already, so

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by grey580

Life is like a tree, you choose a branch and ride up it making decisions that alter which branch you follow. Once in a while we have to backtrack to go a different way if things don't work entering a different version of reality. Sometimes we can get back on track by jumping from a branch to another if they touch and our reality changes drastically, either for the better or worse. At that point we have to adjust our lives or things go wrong.

We soon discover that we cannot get farther because of limitations of the branch's size and can either backtrack or increase our awareness of crossed branches being around. Jumping to another branch we find a new and interesting world. If we stand back and look at the tree of life we can see where we really are. Is where we are where we want to be and is the branch full of life or starting to die. Time to jump now to another branch and work your way back to the trunk.

Looking up the trunk you see a clear and easy trail to the top. Higher up the tree you find a fork in the trunk, one is a path of good and one a path of evil. It's hard to tell what is good and what is bad from here, only awareness can tell you which way to grow. It's now important to look back down. The health of the whole tree is what keeps the top alive. The stronger the roots and lower branches the more successful your journey. The wind is stronger at the top and the chances of being hit by a thunderbolt of God also increases if you are higher up the tree. Chances of finding branches to jump to also are less and the crash back to earth can really hurt. There is always more competition at the top and growth is necessary to survive. Is this where you really want to be?

At the top you have stepped over a lot of people along the way. To go back down you will find that those underneath you rarely respect your past stepping on them. At this point you have no choice but to weld yourself into the wood of the tree and spend the rest of your life watching others climb over you. It's at this point that you see how simple your life was near the roots and spend your life thinking how good it was with your family that you left behind. The question remains, did you have to climb the tree of life at all or should you have spent more time with your family at the base of life. It would have been simpler to enjoy a simple life than to race with the other rats up the tree.

I'm sure that everyone has a different outlook at where they want to be in life. Some forget that dishonesty is a rot that eats at the branch and weakens it. If everyone gets high on the tree the tree gets top heavy and the wind easily pushes it down. There is only room for a few strong ones at the top to keep the tree stable, we can't all be there. Do we all want to be there anyway, what's wrong with being a common person with a regular job. The health of a nation is equal to the health of a whole nation, not just a few overcrowded branches at the top.

Never forget that that tree is anchored in the earth and the health of the earth is crucial to it's survival. That goes for all the trees in the world.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:00 PM
one of my childhood friends, lived across the street, in a corner house, and him and his wife worked on a rockwall in the front for like 6 months, I kept being amaized at the progress and creativity of the wall, and thought it was great,,,,

NOW they have apparently been divorced for over a year, the corner house dosen't exsist, (there is a dumpy house there with a backyard full of camper vans with hippies living back there) and the wife is living on this side of the street 4 houses up, NO rockwall, but similar style on the outside of the house...

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

I remember it being like 96 pages over two years ago.... maybe mods thinned it out??? I would think it would be in the 100's buy now!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 04:22 AM
This is a very looong and interesting thread. I enjoyed may stories within, and read all of the pages. I wanted to throw a link up here that I found months ago that has a strange article on a website back to 1998. Its kind of a long read, but interesting none the less. It may be something with what people have described within the thread.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 03:44 AM
4400 season 2 episode 7, EXACTLY, to a T.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 08:46 AM
Sorry to bring up an old-ass thread, but this is a major one which everyone should have a clear memory of.[not that half-assed celebrity #] I distinctly remember their being a non-proliferation of weapons in space deal! Anyone wanna set me straight or remember differently? Now I have been constantly reading about space-age weaponry on news sites!

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Zagari

How do you feel now? Have things continued being weird or did they go back `normal`?

I ask because I`ve been feeling like this for 3 months now...

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by TinFoilDerby

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
... One day I woke up to a world in which Nelson Mandela was very much alive and walking out of the prison.

I remember vividly his execution in South Africa -- so was it simply a bad dream. I don't think so, because I have met two other people who have very similar recollections of events and were likewise startled to see Mandela alive and well and walking into freedom.

This is the second time I've heard someone saying this ... very strange, for I have no such recollection.

I wonder if there's also a parallel universe where the Berlin Wall is still standing.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
I think I experienced a timeline shift from hell see this is what I know that my psychic friend told me that on a trip that my car is going to wreck because me and the old man were having a fight that led to the wreck. Well I decided (this was November 2010, btw) to try to jump lines to avoid this wreck. Apparently avoiding the wreck (Because it didn't come to pass). So at this point I had noticed and posted about many things that I noticed different about this timeline. Well that wasn't even the half of it. It's too much pain to post here, but my life is in shambles right now and I really beleive that it is because I jumped out of the other timeline, And I know a lot of skeptics will be bashing me but I really could care less, can't hurt me any more than I am already, so

I too have jumped timelines a number of times in order to avoid certain situations. It's kind of like the movie 'Click" with Adam Sandler, if you've ever seen it. At those times it seemed like a good idea, but now I have numerous regrets because I didn't experience every aspect and trivialities of life.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by bintang

What a crazy, wonderful thread. I found it back in late December 2012 when I was searching like a mad fool for time slips, time jumps, time line shifts--because I had this nagging, strange sensation that after 12/21/12, everything was different. I can't put my finger on it--but everything seemed off and the idea around being in an alternate timeline or deliberately in some type of fabricated time loop came to mind.

Now, despite being an ATS-er, I am pretty "mainstream" from the outside and consider myself sane and sound. But this time stufff got me good.

I've settled down a bit since late December/early January about it, but it feels off, cloaked, clouded.

I've actually read the 90-plus pages of threads here. I have struggled with memories of events and deaths of prominent people/actors/etc. that either did/didn't happen...and Australia, when I grew up, was far away from any other land mass on every map and globe I saw. And I saw plenty because I loved geography and social studies and was fascinated by maps of the world and atlases in the library. I must have been a mapmaker in a previous incarnation
. I also thought NZ was on the east coast of Australia. So strange. I know our minds and memory can play tricks on us, but funny how so many on the thread remembered similar things, while others remembered the opposite.

Anyone else feel that after the winter soltice, things felt different from a timeline perspective? I also feel that whatever urgency I felt in late December/early January around figuring this out is slowly fading away, like "hey girl, don't worry about the whole time line thing -- just be calm, just go with the flow and forget...."

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Galadriel

To find this today, with what for me has been a flip of giant proportions as of 12/21/12, is very nice. Not alone.

I for one, held a different view of the ''End date" and always felt a Time dilation Event was really what it was about, sort of a counter balance to 911. The urgency, and need to ''get ready'' didn't end for me, it just changed in depth perception and feeling. I kept looking over the scant information on Time projects, such as Montauk to try and find a connection, underlining theme but have yet to pinpoint the direction this 'slip' has taken us.

I have found that the Negation of the date into our collective consciousness has weight itself and wonder if the Hype was part of the process to move humanity in a direction that still seems unclear.

For me, it is Orwellian and seems connected to WWII and the Nazi tampers with Time/space. Also the high number of weather events and solar phenomenon seem linked to Something 'out there' that might be 'coming in'. We are only days away now from the Extreme Close approach of NEO that will skirt between earth, the moon and our geo synced satellites. Something seems to be ''pulling us forward '' to a place we WERE NOT going before 12/21/12.

Consciousness was altered by the Event of this date, to depths we are not understanding because of our preconceived ideas about what was 'supposed' to happen. So for those who say nothing happened Fail.

I personally knew things were going to go on after the date, so much that I even made plans,, which is something I do NOT do often. But the nagging feeling is that someone took control of the ship,, and I don't care to much for how the trip is looking. I think it best to hunker down,, vibrate to the most positive state one can attain, and work for the restoration of Earth, as She is being attacked so heavily.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Thanks for your post.

As a young child, I looked toward my future with some apprehension/dread, as I felt the world around us, society as we knew it, was going to change drastically when I got older -- and it never left me until we drew closer to 2012. Then I started to feel as if a "new time" would begin, where we were able to live in our true "time." (I know that is not clear, sorry, can't find the right words.)

Back when Bush "won" the election, that night I was on vacation with my son in Florida, and I had a sick feeling that the world was changing faster and in the way that I had seen as a child. So, for me, that came before the Sept. event.

There increasingly seemed to be a "strangeness" in the air, heightened on certain days or weeks. I am an observer of sorts, watching, feeling, noticing the "everyday" world around me and noting what seems off, strange, wonderful, etc.

I know that sometimes I feel "This is not my life. This isn't the way my life was supposed to be." -- and I try to think back to when it went off in a strange direction. So many strange things have happened, accidental and untimely deaths of dear ones in their prime, work, financial, and health issues that are almost "beyond belief" if I ever have the courage to tell people -- etc. So from a personal and a world view, things seem off balance.

I've never really understood "time" and the idea of timelines, no time, all time happening at once, etc. But it feels like it is important for me to pursue and understand how time could be manipulated or looped or even knocked off course or hijacked. And, of course, accelerated.

I agree with your statement: Something seems to be ''pulling us forward '' to a place we WERE NOT going before 12/21/12.

And with your statement: But the nagging feeling is that someone took control of the ship, and I don't care too much for how the trip is looking. I think it best to hunker down, vibrate to the most positive state one can attain, and work for the restoration of Earth.

Thank you!

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by bintang

I felt a feeling of " loss " after December 21 2012, and for some weeks, but eventually everything went back to normal and now everything is as usual, apart from the resignment of the Pope.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Galadriel

Welcome to this alternate timeline... I was wondering if the whole december 21st Mayan thing went down in the old timeline so I transferred over here since I didn't believe any of their theories back there... lol

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 11:37 AM
I just figured out something really strange that has changed....

And this is beyond weird.

Nearly everyone I knew before was either atheist, or just spiritual but not religious.

This is too weird considering the whole pope thing going on, but it seems now, that almost everyone I know except for ME is catholic.

Have I come to a place of the blind?

I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that the Vatican was the devils church. Now it is all popular and I am one of the only non Catholics that I know.


Beyond creeped out by this discovery.

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