posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:31 PM
OMG this is totally crazy two days ago I applied to belong to ATS it was the only way the reply to post would come up for me, instead it was another
site that sent a link to verify my registration
something called DIgg I never even heard of. anyway since three days Ago I have been reading
these posts and wanting to reply. Last month I had an instance where I was driving down the highway, it was April Fools day I remember very vividly. I
was thinking my head is so close to the open window(my car is very small mitsubishi) that if it were to be hit and roll the whole left side of my
face/head would be mutilated, but more than A thought I actually saw this happen IN MY HEAD like what a psychic would call a vision...well needless to
say I slowed down completely and became more aware of my surroundings to avoid any collision that may occur. What's the most awful is since that day
(It started about 9pm that evening) I started getting excrutiating pains in the left teeth and Jaw area. I started to treat myself for an abcess with
herbs/ home remedies, but the pain hit my temple on the left side, that was maybe an hour later. It was very sever I mean something that was
untangible pain like I never ever felt before And I bore three children!!!! Anyway, progressing every single night it finally began to hurt in the ear
canal so thinking the abcess had been there but now relocated to the ear I used methods of hoem remedies for an ear infection, but the pain in the
temple and teeth and jaw and even feeling it on the chin (But outside on the chin, like a road or rug burn would feel) Also I started having blurred
vision, vertigo, dizziness and floaters in my left eye only. Finally I could not stand the pain anymore and fearing I had a tumor or an anuerysm in my
brain I got myself to a hospital. They said it was a sinus infection and gave me a script for zithromax, I now have only three days left of medicine,
but the pain still remains and if I don't take aspirin, It will be just as intense as in the start of the problem. So yeah I am thinking I need an
MRI or something until I came across this thread and somebody said they had a vibratory feeling in the brain...this had just happened to me FOUR days
ago, One day before I found this website. So now I am not so sure it is a tumor or anuerysm. Also, the fatigue I have experienced this for far longer
than the aching side of my head and also waking up at odd hours even before the pain started some days feeling like I had popped some happy pill and
other days felt like UGGGGH and just decide to sleep the whole day away. I am strongly against narcotics and too poor to afford any if you are
thinking that I am taking drugs, and I am very much too poor to afford alcohol as I don't work, and I have three children, my Husband works but he is
in construction and he isn't getting much work with the way the economy is, so we barely scrape just to get can see why I say this cos I
know a bunch of you will be thinking what are you taking hmmmm?
But seriously, this is true all of it. I ahve also felt this sense of being out of
balance with the world/universe/creators...and I am wiccan I usually am very in tune with my surroundings, but lately just been feeling like that
somehting was off kilter. Also I am rarely ever very sick and have no history of migraines or mental issues. Anyway this other event still has been
baffling me; as I sat on the couch a few days ago, I put my left arm down on the armrest to lay my pounding head on the hand(sometimes the pressure
will stop the pain) when suddenly, I got a JOLT through my entire left arm, Anyone whose ever been shocked by electricity will know it's a very
distinct feeling and nothing in the world feels like that, but that! Well I swore to my husband that I had been indeed electrocuted I knew there must
be a chewed plug laying from the outlet behind the chair next to the couch. Continue in following post.