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Did Dinosaurs Exist?

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 05:52 PM
I know this seems like a ludicrous question, but do not doubt that there are skeptics on dinosaurs. I was talking with a co-worker a few weeks ago and we we're talking about conspiracies, and he brought up dinosaurs as if it wasnt a proven fact.
Then, I proceeded to ask other people at my job what they thought about the existence of dinosaurs. To my astonishment, three other co-workers of mine werent quite sure if they did or didnt't exist. Only five of them were 100% convinced they did in-fact exist. As if it was some huge fabrication solely for the entertainment of the planet.
So I would like to see if there are any other skeptics on this matter or if everyone else agrees hands down that dinosaurs at one time dominated this planet.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 06:26 PM
So where you think these bones and other fossils people find are?People aren't putting bones in all area of the world sometimes 10 feet underground just to create a conspiracy.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by alienstar]

[edit on 6-7-2008 by alienstar]

[edit on 6-7-2008 by alienstar]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 06:41 PM
I'm pretty sure dinosaurs existed, dude.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Enlightenment247

Do you happen to work in Lubbock, Texas perchance.

Generations of Paleontologists have sure wasted a lot of time if there are no Dinos.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 06:54 PM
it's an illusion created by satan

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Im not saying i dont believe in Dinosaurs im saying that its RIDICULOUS to believe THEY DIDNT. I didnt make an official standing in my opening so i understand the appologies.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:01 PM
I mean of course they existed my point is people really think its all fabricated..

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Enlightenment247
my point is people really think its all fabricated..

That is usually the result of brainwashing. Other people call it religion.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by drwizardphd]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by alienstar

aliens came here millions of years ago and planted them there and are currently rolling on the floor in their space ships laughing at us.

its one joke that took along time to get to the punch line

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:53 PM
I don't doubt that there are people out there who don't believe dinosaurs existed. That worries and annoys me. Man there are so many dumb ass ignorant people in this world. People like that get on my nerves. How the hell can people say they "dont believe in dinosaurs" Like they were talking about aliens or santa claus. Idiots. Its truly astounding

[edit on 7/6/2008 by Matt.Trakker]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:13 PM
I agree the amount of ignorance on this planet is overwhelming. I mean there is such definitive evidence of prehistoric life. Animals plants ect. were the dominating species before we had any self-awareness. and by the way its "organized" not "organised"... Hmmm.... ignorance?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Nope, they were put there by god to test our faith.

The earth is only 4000 years old and was created by God.

Dinosaurs are not mentioned in the bible, so therefore they cannot be true.

I jest. But some ignorant people really believe this...


posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:23 PM
No offense, but are they by any chance fundamentalist christians? I grew up in that type of household and I can tell you through experience that I have heard this before. I'm not trying to bash Christians, I'm just asking a question.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:31 PM
yeah they are...
good point

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:36 PM
I have never met anyone who believes that dinos didn't exist. I have met people who question where they existed.

As for me... I think they lived right here on good old planet Earth.

Also, I think that there are some mentions of dinosaurs in the Bible. I don't know the verses but I'm sure someone dose on here.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Enlightenment247
yeah they are...
good point

Not to bash, but I have found that alot of them are not interested in truth. They are simply interested in molding exsistent into whatever pre-conceived notion they already have. In other words, they already know what the truth is, so they just refuse to believe anything that may challenge that "truth" however absurd it may be.

Not usually objective truth seekers from my experience.

That is not to say that all are. Some climb from the mire.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:10 PM
Dude, dinosaurs existed.

Geez, didn't you ever watch, "The Flintstones"? There's your proof!!

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 01:31 AM
Greetings all,

It's funny you should mention the dinosaurs, as a young lad growing up in a fiercely fundamentalist Pentecostal environment, I as many young boys at one time wanted to be a palientologist (not sure if I spelled that right, but the progression went, Palentiologist, Astronaut, doctor, and I never became any of the three). I remember sitting in Sunday-school and asking the teacher why there were no dinosaurs in the Bible. The expression on the lady's face was hilarious, it was like I had three heads spinning around with a fountain of sparks flying out of each.
She didn't offer anything helpful (surprised I was not). It wasn't until I started studying comparative religion that it started to make sense. I was always a guy who valued science, and I still am now. That being said I have no problem reconciling notions of spirituality/metaphysics with what we can grasp of science at our current stage of evolution (yes I said evolution,
). What I want to add here is that according to Judaism, Genesis (or Bere# in the Hebrew) seems to begin with our particular creation, i.e. the "Adamic" race. There are references to previous creations, races and civilizations in Genesis, that mention them more in passing and do not explain much. When you delve into the commentaries and other sacred literature that are peculiar to Judaism, you start to see unfold a wider and vastly different picture than was being painted for me when I was a confused lad sitting in Sunday school reading questionable english translations. Apparently there were other worlds created before our own, and some of them were more beautiful than our own, but they had to be destroyed, for reasons that are a matter of contested opinion and there is no scholarly concensus. Nowhere in the Torah/Tanahk/Bible does it say we were the first life, indeed the angels were created before human-kind according to the creation story in Genesis. Now I am not insinuating that the dinosaurs were angels, but not unlike, say, Atlantis (which is mentioned in Midrashic sources) these things are no longer existant and no longer factor in to the current Creation. When you go to the sources it's interesting the things you find there, things like unicorns and centaurs, dragons and pheonixes, and even short nose-less gray individuals of dubious inclinations. You have to know where to look, but it is amazing and even a little unsettling when you see that there is truely "Nothing new under the Sun" as King Soloman himself said. The point there is that all of these aspects of the past are not relevant to us now, according to the tone and spirit of the brief passages which describe our creation. What was said is that "And God saw it was good, very good" which is in reference to our reality of creation. Apparently it was good enough that the Torah mentions it twice. So to me, within the context of our prevailing mythology/theology/whatever you want to call it, there is not and has never been any question or conflict with regards to the existence of such creatures. It just took me going outside of the narrow scope of the theology I was born into to see how the dots connect, in a manner of speaking.

And on a side note, I think if an outside observer was there for the happenstance that is described in the beginning of Genesis, calling it a "big bang" is totally understandable, if a little anti-climatic.


reply to post by Enlightenment247

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 01:36 AM
I just noticed, I tried to spell out the english transliteration of the hebrew name of Genesis, and the automated censors put an asterick there!
To be fair it is pronounced Be-Re-Sheet, or as is common to Sephardim Bereshis, although the usual spelling has a s h i t at the end, so it thought I was cursing.
Bere#. Let's see if that one makes it. Probably not. Too funny, but probably only funny to me.


(edit for spelling, since I was laughing so hard I could barely type straight)

[edit on 7-7-2008 by hexagram23]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 03:49 PM
They surely existed. But it is difficult to find out if any of their breed survived until now. Sharks survived, they are almost unchanged for 150M years. Dinos - you should look for them in Centra Africa, or Burma. There are suspects that they are still there, but still no good evidence.

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