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evidence for a NASA coverup

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:59 AM
NASA is hiding the truth about UFO's/aliens from the public and i am going to present at least three examples that show a conspiracy to hide evidence or that they are complete idiots. you decide wich is the case.


NASA admits to losing the original Apollo 11 film footage

NASA Is Stumped in Search For Videos of 1969 Moonwalk

About 36 years after the tapes went into storage, NASA was suddenly eager to have them. There was just one problem: The tapes were nowhere to be found.
The Saga Of the Lost Space Tapes -


The Kecksburg Pennslvania UFO incident has been investigated since 1965 and there was a reportedly downed UFO, shaped like an acorn. the military quickly moved in and proceeded to remove the UFO and cover it's track's on the way out of the area.

a journalist by the name of Leslie Kean sued Nasa for the documents in 2007 and won the case. The documentation just showed up recently but they were not the documents about the incident in question and the real info seems to be lost in the archives like the Apollo tapes.

Leslie Kean had been investigating the mystery of the Kecksburg UFO incident for four years. An unidentified flying object supposedly crashed not far from a small village in Pennsylvania in December 1965. Eyewitnesses of the incident said that they could see a ball of fire in the night sky. Some of them said that the object had performed a controlled landing.

NASA provided packs of documents to Leslie Kean prior to the trial, but the documents had nothing to do with the case.

The trial took place in October 2007. Leslie Kean received 297 boxes with various data from NASA only last week.
Mystery of Kecksburg UFO incident lost in NASA archives for good - Pravda.Ru


NASA has refused to comment on photo's of the Moon that have been altered or blurred out that supposedly show structures on the moon or UFO's

Karl Wolf claims that he discovered NASA was covering up Moon Structures in their photograph's when he was asked to help on some of that project.

"I Saw Structures on the Moon" (Karl Wolfe)
"I Saw Structures on the Moon"-THE UFO CASEBOOK

There have been reported UFO sightings on the Moon while the astronauts were there and NASA won't discuss them with the public.

If anyone looks at the old Apollo pictures, or any photograph taken by a satellite for that matter, two things quickly make themselves known-ink spots and blurs. NASA has gone over every single photo with a fine toothcomb and has blurred some areas while applying black ink to others. What is it that they don't want us to see? They don't want us to see the alien presence that is there. And not only is there an alien presence on the moon, but there are ancient structures there that have existed since the ancient days.
Aliens Have Been On The Moon Since Ancient Times

These examples are just some of the evidence that NASA is lying to us.

We the people should be demanding more control of what goes on inside NASA imo. how much longer are we going to let this corruption continue in our goverments ? i am extremely disappointed and frustrated that we may never know the truth.

it's obvious that either records are missing or they are missing on purpose and either way there is no accountability wich lets them do what ever the heck they want with our money. it is sad don't you agree ?

[edit on 6-7-2008 by easynow]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:08 PM
here is some video of a nasa top secret craft i filmed over my house last weekend.

[misleading video link removed]

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:12 PM
It just confirms what NASA really stands for...


posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:18 PM
Of all the various theories about UFOs and aliens and other mysteries, the one that I personally find the most compelling is that of our moon. The evidence is both ample and available that there is more going on there than meets the eyes and ears of John Q. Public.

Even accepting that the Apollo era photography is often poor and lacking the resolution available today, there are still more than enough anomolies to demand your attention. On top of that, recent close up imagry from probes like Clementine (HIRES), are so obviously doctored that it leaves one with little chance to doubt that something is being covered up.

China has entered the race for space and so too declared intentions to go to the moon, it has suddenly become imperitive that we return. Why?


Whatever secrets are being kept by NASA on our closest celestial neighbor will soon no longer be secret. Until now, the moon has been an American exclusive. But, no more.

The next decade could be very interesting.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by redoubt

I find your post excellent.

Indeed why should it be the US who discloses the truth?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by redoubt

thanks for your post,

China has entered the race for space and so too declared intentions to go to the moon, it has suddenly become imperitive that we return. Why?

isn't kinda strange that the Japanese Lunar Satellite has only released a couple photo's that do not represent the photo capabilities of the craft ?

where are the high definition photo's ?

It'll be getting crowded up there soon. China, India and the U.S. each are slated to launch lunar missions this year or next. Pretty soon it'll be time to take a number.
First Moon Pics Back From Japanese Lunar Satellite | Wired Science from

i believe India is also seeking to go to the Moon and it is my opinion that it is for technology's that will emerge from this new race to the Moon wether it is from alien past civilizations or military applications.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:02 PM
I foresay that this will become a long and very interesting thread: easynow, i like this way to approach the subject matter. Rather than basing claims on some personal thoughts, to discuss some evidences MAY drive us to get closer to the truth.
I will keep this first post short: ill proceed with an example, on topic.

From Ufodigest's article:

Apollo 16 Earth rise photo AS16-113-18289. Note the Earth isn't perfectly round and has two big missing areas (the black spots) in the center and to the left along the bottom edge.

The caption above is misleading, the guy who typed it should have done some more research before trying to pass his personal thoughts as FACTS:

THIS is the actual appearance of AS16-113-18289

would that guy to put the same caption below this version of the photo? What is his reliability, now?

I mean, sometimes we claim the right thing but we use the wrong tools in order to make our points. As well as Clementine images are often discussed as clearly manipulated: now, what do we mean for Clementine images? The only images worthy to be taken seriously are the RAW ones, which are the original dataset: the idea to take seriously stuff that has been stretched in order to be used for some browser is insane to say the least:
in according to the Clementine conspiracy, this would be an actual object on the Moon's soil:

but whoever got a telescope could have checked it by himself/herself: this is Messier, and it has been always visible from Earth

so unless we want to take as possible explanation NASA projecting some kind of holograms (and BTW clementine was NOT a only NASA mission)
the truth is that the guys who developed Clementine Lunar Image Browser 1.5 encountered some troubles that have been solved with Clementine Lunar Map 2.0 (Beta).
It took to me, personally, much time to investigate about the alleged anomalies from Clementine, and ArMaP did even more, downloading the original dataset and proving that what we saw was nothing but the result of some imageeering process.

Anyway, in my humble opinion NASA sometimes lied because asked to lie, (i can't prove it so you all are free to tell me that im not a good researcher
but i don't think, i can't believe that there's a group of people who sistematically airbrushes images coming from Moon and Mars in order to hide monkeys, horses and crocodiles. This idea is very far fetched, very difficult to apply and besides with all the ongoing missions it would be a matter of time to be proven liars:
the sudden recent interest on the Moon seems to have found a possible explanation in mining Helium 3, i mean it does make perfectly sense, but i don't know the truth behind it: it's a very long story, i don't want to bore anyone.
Thank you for starting this thread: star and flag from me.

[edit on 6/7/2008 by internos]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Here u go. There's enough evidence in this video to prove that NASA is full of bs. This is old news, everybody knows they're full of it.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by amfirst]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:15 PM
There can be absolutoly no doubt that there either is or was a civilisation on the moon, and mars for that matter.
The proof is plain to see, unfortunatly nasa scientists think they can decide whats in our best interests and whats not.

Youll find some extremely compelling evidence on this site including strong evidence for a manufactured moon.

Moon and Mars evidence

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:19 PM

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Outlawstar]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:39 PM
A good book to read is Leap of Faith by the late Colonel Gordon Cooper. While he dismissed much of the moon theories, he does have a couple on UFO encounters himself. He was supposed to go to the moon too, but it got cancelled do to budget cuts.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Outlawstar

I barely managed to don't cry, after you disappointed me linking that website, proving me and scientists wrong: i LOVE that website, i go there when i need a laugh. Is that the truth for you? With all the due respect, that website is a bunch of randomized pixels, ity adds ZERO to the serious research and it casts a bad light to the serious research, including the efforts that ME AND YOU put in order to find the truth.
The only thing that disappoints me is that someone takes it seriously: YES, that REALLY disappoints me.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by internos
reply to post by Outlawstar

I barely managed to don't cry, after you disappointed me linking that website, proving me and scientists wrong: i LOVE that website, i go there when i need a laugh. Is that the truth for you? With all the due respect, that website is a bunch of randomized pixels, ity adds ZERO to the serious research and it casts a bad light to the serious research, including the efforts that ME AND YOU put in order to find the truth.
The only thing that disappoints me is that someone takes it seriously: YES, that REALLY disappoints me.

Listen, we all make mistakes, if this is really a dodgy website like you say then Ill never return to it, I dont take anything as absolute truth and keep and open mind at all times, but could you please tell me exactly whats wrong with it instead of simply stating its wrong.

Personally though I dont think you are right, I mean whats wrong with it, its a great site that thoroughly analises suspicious features on the lunar and martian surfaces in great detail, with images only from the RAW science verifiable data data, and have come up through this process with a numner of unexplained circumstances.

Oh and another thing, where but where did I say I take it seriously, I said theres compelling evidence, christ.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Outlawstar]

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Outlawstar]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Outlawstar

Listen, we all make mistakes, if this is really a dodgy website like you say then Ill never return to it, I dont take anything as absolute truth and keep and open mind at all times, but could you please tell me exactly whats wrong with it instead of simply stating its wrong.

I am the guy who makes more mistakes at all

This last post from you, proves that you are interested in the truth:
since you deserve some explanation, i'll try:


look at the appearance of this image.

This image has been cropped from an ESA image, it has been reduced in brightness, increased in contrast, and color scale was heavily reduced.
This image was cropped from here:

and you know what? This last image is NOT a photograph, it is a CGI, made basing the calculations on some data, basically it's some 3d reconstruction.

NOW it comes my question: how much you think is reliable someone who passes some image artifacts as structures? Take a look by yourself, i want that you decide: i am available to find for you every single original image you may be interested in: just ask, i am here
I would be proud to be helpful.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:07 PM
Ok Internos, fair enough, but surely you cant deny the plain as day airbushing evident in many moon and mars released images.
Surely you must see why I am suspicious of NASA, I mean its obvious they are tampering .
You chose a rather inocuous image to "debunk", why not go for one of the more obvious evidence ones, like the airbushed moon towers?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Outlawstar
Ok Internos, fair enough, but surely you cant deny the plain as day airbushing evident in many moon and mars released images.
Surely you must see why I am suspicious of NASA, I mean its obvious they are tampering .
You chose a rather inocuous image to "debunk", why not go for one of the more obvious evidence ones, like the airbushed moon towers?

Of course: what is the moon tower image ? I really dont know, there are at least three four images that come in mind, including the "castle" that is actually visible in one official, original image. I hope is not a clementine 1.1 image, because it would make me understand that my first post was useless: i am suspicious on NASA work at least how much you are, maybe more: please believe me.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by internos

thanks internos for your input and it is alway's good to hear your side of this.

Anyway, in my humble opinion NASA sometimes lied because asked to lie, (i can't prove it so you all are free to tell me that im not a good researcher )
but i don't think, i can't believe that there's a group of people who sistematically airbrushes images coming from Moon and Mars in order to hide monkeys, horses and crocodiles. This idea is very far fetched, very difficult to apply and besides with all the ongoing missions it would be a matter of time to be proven liars:

i respect your opinion here but how can you say that NASA sometimes lied because asked to and not believe that there are specialist in NASA to keep hiding the truth ?

the problem with lying is you have to keep lying and the lie gets bigger and bigger. if NASA has lied about anything(wich i believe they have) they would have to put forth a great effort to continue the secrecy. it's common sense thinking imo.

a question that i have for you is do you believe Karl Wolf's story ? it is aquestion i wanted to ask you for a long time to be honest and i will respect your answer what ever it may be.

but here lyes the problem with a NASA coverup of things,

if they are incompetent enough to lose things in their archives and change/alter photograph's of the Moon and Apollo missions they would have to eventually be held accountable in some way as even you suggest in your post.

well i say the time is now for an independent investigation by Congress because their is enough evidence to prove negligence in protecting historic documents and evidence of misleading or lying to the public.

these are serious charges imo and i would fear for my life if i pursued it. i also fear that it would be handled like the 9-11 investigation. so where does this leave us considering all of the above ? screwed is my answer...

another quagmire of NASA is the tax payers of this country are the ones paying for all of this and i believe it is time for the people of this WORLD demand that we have some say in what the goals of some of these missions to the Moon and Mar's intail. what i mean exactly is why can't we decide where the next rover mission goes and have full access to the data ? we are paying for it and i think it's time to make a stand and demand this. this effects the entire world so it's something everyone can fight for imo

well thanks for listening to my rant...

oh and that picture of the orbiter ...thanks for the clarification.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Also internos, I must strongly disagree with you about the image you posted as simply being image artifacts, if you read the entire article, you would see that these are entirely inconsistent with artifacts, just skip down to the bottom and youll see why.

Thus, although not conclusive the evidence point more prominently toward civilisation evidence as opposed to image artifacts.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by amfirst
Here u go. There's enough evidence in this video to prove that NASA is full of bs. This is old news, everybody knows they're full of it.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by amfirst]

thanks for posting that...i didn't know there was a second version of that

the first one was excellent and so far this is good also.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by easynow
i respect your opinion here but how can you say that NASA sometimes lied because asked to and not believe that there are specialist in NASA to keep hiding the truth ?

because NASA is NOT a bunch of employees that comeback at home and forget what they saw.
Your general take, your general conspiracy, makes perfect sense to me

NASA lost much stuff, some images coming from Saturn, to which i would be interested, habe been LOST.
And if you check, there is NOT a serious explanation to this loss of data.
Well, this is a conspiracy; where the heck they putted those images?
Shall we believe that they are all dummies

Well sometimes it happens.
Sometimes one can't handle a situation and it gets out of control.
You kindly suggested to me a a book: i will read it. I am a very ignorant guy who needs to learn.
Did you read “THE RINGMAKERS OF SATURN” by Norman Bergrun?
Do you know Norman Bergrun?

An empirically derived basis for calculating the area, rate, and distribution of water-drop impingement on airfoils

Author(s): Bergrun, Norman R
Abstract: An empirically derived basis for predicting the area, rate, and distribution of water-drop impingement on airfoils of arbitrary section is presented. The concepts involved represent an initial step toward the development of ...
NASA Center: Ames Research Center
Publication Year: 1952
Added to NTRS: 2006-11-06
Accession Number: 93R21433; Document ID: 19930092143; Report Number: NACA-TN-2476, NACA-TR-1107

Norman Bergrun is a SCIENTIST, check his background:
and he claims that around Saturn there are some spaceships orbiting: and he worked for NASA.

Karl Wolfe? Why should i don't believe what he claims? Can't prove the contrary. Ah, and what about the astronauts accounts?

The story is long

[edit on 6/7/2008 by internos]

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