posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I rarely play Battlefield 2 PC anymore, I was a lover of BF:Modern Combat on PS2 and the 360, but here I am now with a PS3. I loved COD4 when I had
an xbox, but haven't picked it up yet for PS3.
There are mixed reviews on the game from all walks of dedicated game veterans of the series, fanboys, and everyone else on their is a 1st
Person Shooter with Tanks/Jeeps/Helos/Boats/ and different classes like COD4, The online honestly is probably better for 360 due to the voice chat.
There are a few bugs (with the voice chat mostly), and another game mode (free, its conquest for the vets) coming out soon, but if you like war games,
shooters, tactical games, maybe this is worth a rent? I really like the game myself, but I'm a bit biased. Try before you buy when possible, said
the wise man.
I play online, PS3 id is sliderz33 if any of you want to add me. I'm pretty addicted to this one lately, so maybe I'll catch some of you guys on.