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Violent encounter with an alien being

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron

Haha, okay luv go and talk about your alien friends and fruits somewhere else.

Um... I like talking about them here. Thanks anyway.

Still can't answer a question from me, still look stupid.

You are still asking stupid questions, eh?

Thats me done

Uh huh.. believe it when I don't see it. *lol*

Have fun with your sleep inducing field aliens

Hey, maybe they will drop by your place one of these days.. after all DanT was from england too, wasn't he?

Did you miss:

I have seen dracs

You mean the fictional characters from Barry B Longyear's novels?

Very convincing

Thought so!


posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You do realise thats fiction don't you luv? *rolls eyes*


Didn't think so

EM research, matey? or what... You aren't a very good poster at times. It is almost like you think we should be psychic or something! *lol*

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Haha, this is like debating with a little 4 year old child who wants a sweet because she believes in the easter bunny and won't take no for an answer!

Just accept it, your making yourself look stupid; you can't prove or provide evidence for anything you say and you have to resort to calling me names to try and get your "point" accross.

You will not accept or read the numerous member replies that state DanTanna was a liar and full of crap basically.

You then go on to mention fish aliens and hybrids but when I ask you, you fail to prove anything...

You talk like a 14 year old child and when I ask you a valid question you simply call me a NWO flunkie.

I've asked you around 20 questions now and had no answers to any.

Give it up, your not winning...

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:41 PM
Reply to post by Light soul

Do you think humans could be aggressive because of the environment we are from? You know not so long ago before we were all safe in our little green zones of concrete,humans had to defend against things like lions, wolfs and I'm sure a few other lovely animals. Thank goodness you have never been in control of the human race. Don't think we'd still be around with all the weak people around here. Your weak peace speak is bs. We are a part of nature. Nature is hard and unforgiving. Seriously i think everyone here has lost their survival instincts. It's good though,if the aliens ever come they can anal probe morons like yourself and all the other peace hippies. Would someone clear up for me why dan was banned? I've seen a number of crazy threads without the op getting banned so why this one?

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Haha, this is like debating with a little 4 year old child who wants a sweet because she believes in the easter bunny and won't take no for an answer!

Hum.. well, I guess if you squinch your eyes tightly shut and turn your head sideways and hold one foot up in the air while you twiddle your thumbs and post, you might see that. Most probably it is because you are not a very good debater, and hence have no clue how a real debate goes. *shrug*

Just accept it, your making yourself look stupid; you can't prove or provide evidence for anything you say and you have to resort to calling me names to try and get your "point" accross.

Well, matey, thanks for sharing your opinion. In the reverse, I do believe you look more than a little inane yourself, but hey everybody's got their speil, eh?

You will not accept or read the numerous member replies that state DanTanna was a liar and full of crap basically.

Sorry, I am not, unlike you, a lemming, jumping off a cliff just because every other lemming is. Believe as you will and give it up. I am going to believe as I will, regardless of how many naysayers you drag over here to 'back you up'.

You then go on to mention fish aliens and hybrids but when I ask you, you fail to prove anything...

As always, your idea of 'proof' is the problem, since you are living in an orange based world where apples can't possibly exist. And I am pretty sure it wasn't me who said anything about hybrids, eh?

You talk like a 14 year old child and when I ask you a valid question you simply call me a NWO flunkie.

And you apparently go to teen chat websites to find a date.. ewwwwwww!

I've asked you around 20 questions now and had no answers to any.

And I have asked you one... and still no answer to that one either.

Give it up, your not winning...

Give it up, your grammar sucks, and you're not winning either. But hey you are entirely entitled to your opinion, even as I am entitled to mine, eh?

[edit on 25-8-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Kurokage
I love the fact that when you point out problems with some ones story you get called a disinfo agent or a NWO agent.

Damn! I hope my cover isn't blown!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Yeah, believe whatever you want.

I'm done dealing with people who lack common sense and can't even put their points accross intelligently.


posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

There's no need for this to turn into a slagging match now is there??
This thread is becoming a waste of space, you are unwilling to listen to the facts about Mr Tanna and why he was banned. The fact that he could not prove anything about his attack by fish-faced aliens, his pics of cloud "UFOs" and his pic of invisible cloaked aliens and his atitude to people who were skeptic of his story i.e. swearing at a poster then quickly deleting the evidence.
You are entitled to your beliefs but your made-up science is a lot to swollow.
Try taking a breath, and like I said to Mr Tanna, if you're so spiritually higher than we are, why get into arguments and insults in the first place, if you are "gifted by spirit or aliens" use this "special" knowledge to win your arguments instead of name calling, get them to give the proof we all desire.


[edit on 26-8-2009 by Kurokage]

[edit on 26-8-2009 by Kurokage]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by EnhancedInterrogator

Originally posted by Kurokage
I love the fact that when you point out problems with some ones story you get called a disinfo agent or a NWO agent.

Damn! I hope my cover isn't blown!

Humm.. no I would NEVER suspect you!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Yeah, believe whatever you want.

I'm done dealing with people who lack common sense and can't even put their points accross intelligently.


Of course I will believe whatever I want, even as you will, eh? And as always, thanks for your opinion.
*holds breath* And Bye to you!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Kurokage
reply to post by DragonriderGal

There's no need for this to turn into a slagging match now is there??
This thread is becoming a waste of space, you are unwilling to listen to the facts about Mr Tanna and why he was banned. The fact that he could not prove anything about his attack by fish-faced aliens, his pics of cloud "UFOs" and his pic of invisible cloaked aliens and his atitude to people who were skeptic of his story i.e. swearing at a poster then quickly deleting the evidence.
You are entitled to your beliefs but your made-up science is a lot to swollow.
Try taking a breath, and like I said to Mr Tanna, if your so spiritually higher than we are, why get into arguments and insults in the first place, if you are "gifted by spirit or aliens" use this "special" knowledge to win your arguments instead of name calling, get them to give the proof we all desire.

Hum... and again I ask, WHAT could possibly prove DanT's story in the limited and limiting NWO-controlled 'science' that is available today?? Give me even one thing.

And if he got upset and swore at other posters, but then quickly erased the posts, well, I doubt I would have even noticed, since I often post and then leave to post elsewhere. I think as long as the posts were corrected in a timely manner, who really cares? But of course, that is my opinion. But if DanT has a problem with anger management, that still doesn't make him a liar, eh?

And really you guys, if you are addressing someone (as in DK's case, and now yours, ie "if your so spiritually...") it is a contraction of the two words, YOU ARE. Hence the proper spelling is you're, eh? Sheesh.

And I am hardly spiritually 'higher' just more spiritually aware, and that whole 'oh you gotta be nice to be truly 'spiritual' is one of the NWO's most effective mind game/guilt trips to subdue and whimpify humanity that they've ever created. They are quite proud of themselves for thinking of that one.

Thus if anyone is able to access the spirit realm and see what the NWO bunch is up to out there, and start angrily blowing the whistle on them, (since the NWO has been pretty abusive towards us humans over the many millinia of their presence here) the NWO bunch could just have their talking heads aka priests and other 'religious' flunkies quickly discredit the viewer saying "oh they are just making all that. Look how angry they are, they can't be truly 'spiritual', they must work for the DEVIL (or whatever evil entity the religion espouses)."

Also it gives them a real safety blanket to throw on humans if they can trick us into believing that angry people don't go to (fill in the blank with wherever your choice of spiritual beliefs has you ending up) so we will all be nice obedient submissive slaves/surfs, and not try to kill them when they abuse us, so we won't mess up going to whatever place we are supposed to go when we die. *rolls eyes* Hey that is the same reason criminals are allll for gun control. Makes their jobs a LOT safer.

So, in all actuality, 'spiritual savvy' has nothing to do with being all sugary sweet and light. In fact, part of our true task is to be able to use all of our emotions appropriately, anger included, which means dealing with any issues that drive one to become too angry or out of control/dangerous. Emotional competency is the goal, not emotional suppression.

And as I have said over and over and over and over again to DK, the limited amount of 'information' your level of 'proof' allows is strictly controlled thru the NWO's heaviy duty 'spirit level awareness prevention' filters. So of course there isn't any 'scientific' proof for aliens or ghosts or any other paranormal phenomenon. All of that allows us to become too spiritually/psychically aware and way too risky territory as far as the NWO bunch is concerned.

Heck I consider it quite fortunate that they have lost enough power over us that they can't drag people like me who see into the psychic/spiritual realm off to the stake and burn us. That is how determined they are to keep us unaware and sound asleep.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You do realise thats fiction don't you luv? *rolls eyes*


Didn't think so

Sorry, but your paltry imitations don't do me any justice, luvy.

And Kurokage, fyi, Dragon is entitled to express her opinion on the subject. From what I've seen, NOTHING has been proven as solid reality in this thread. Interpretations that differ from your own should therefore be respected, whether you agree or not. That goes for all the overzealous, proof-seeking, fanatic trolls, too.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:56 PM
The Evidence is in the story it’s self, it’s exactly the same as a story he posted in the members short stories and its full of contradictions, look at the knife pics to start with, it was taken apart and photographed, not broken in the back of a fish-faced alien. Then from his description of the fight he pulls the “alien” towards him which would end pulling it onto his wife and baby (would you roll round on a bed armed with a knife in range of your partner and baby??). Then the fight goes to floor, at which point he has lost his knife and now asks his wife to throw him “the good news”. What happened to the first knife, oh well lets throw knives around a bedroom?? The fact that a solid object can not wobble and fade out of existence!! Then while they sleep the alien maids come and clean the entire room.
Then we have the scratches from his attack, I’ve had worse scratches from nettles in the garden,and that’s all it managed to do to him??
!! Then we are told that he hit it with at least 100 blows which didn't leave a single mark on hands or fingers??
I cant remember much more as it was a while ago now and I’m not wasting any more of my time or life re-reading that steaming pile of a story.

There’s a little thing called the T & C, meaning that bad language and personal attacks are not aloud. He would wait a few minutes to make sure you had read his posts and then remove any evidence that he broken the rules, leaving people who replied in kind to get a warning, but leaving him to think he got away with it.

I’ve been a spiritualist and martial artist for many years and don’t believe the "ascrap" hall of records thread and being shown spiritual aliens living on other planets in our solar system (something Mr Tanna also lied about) this is just delusional.
If you’re (see I can spell, I just don’t think that attacking another posters spelling proves how cool I am) so spiritually aware then you will know that light attracts light and by showing people how to put a point across without childish comments like *rolls eyes* and without personal attacks shows you have maturity and leads by example, now that’s good food for the soul what ever faith you have.
Talking of souls, so now the NWO have control of our souls and all things spiritual and alien, when did this happen, I must have missed that one. I thought they are all for the money and control of the world through a one world government. When did they get into the business of controlling my spiritual awareness. This is just impossible!!

So you’re a also a (DK) Dark Knight follower (or did you mean DT), well that says it all to be honest, maybe I should just leave it alone now, but I worry about people following unproven and false prophecies. What have you got to look forward if you believe the world is going to end every other year!! How can you be happy and make plans for the future if you think we are all going to die soon?? The world will end when the world will end, we can all see what comes after together when it happens.

Also, as a general point to people like Dragonridergirl and VergeofObscene, why call people NWO agents and trolls when we are entitled to our opinions too. We all see things from different perspectives. I have tried to maintain a courteous manner, why not try it out yourselves.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by Kurokage]

[edit on 26-8-2009 by Kurokage]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Hum... and again I ask, WHAT could possibly prove DanT's story in the limited and limiting NWO-controlled 'science' that is available today?? Give me even one thing.

Who mentioned NWO? It surely wasn't me or anyone else.

And if he got upset and swore at other posters, but then quickly erased the posts, well, I doubt I would have even noticed, since I often post and then leave to post elsewhere. I think as long as the posts were corrected in a timely manner, who really cares? But of course, that is my opinion. But if DanT has a problem with anger management, that still doesn't make him a liar, eh?

So its okay to lie then abuse another member on this site and then correct it before the mods see? Thats acceptable is it?

And really you guys, if you are addressing someone (as in DK's case, and now yours, ie "if your so spiritually...") it is a contraction of the two words, YOU ARE. Hence the proper spelling is you're, eh? Sheesh.

If you want to talk about correct grammar and spelling then please stop making yourself look daft by using eh? and sheesh

And I am hardly spiritually 'higher' just more spiritually aware, and that whole 'oh you gotta be nice to be truly 'spiritual' is one of the NWO's most effective mind game/guilt trips to subdue and whimpify humanity that they've ever created. They are quite proud of themselves for thinking of that one.

"whimpify" isn't a real word. I thought you was the one attacking people because of their spelling?

Thus if anyone is able to access the spirit realm and see what the NWO bunch is up to out there, and start angrily blowing the whistle on them, (since the NWO has been pretty abusive towards us humans over the many millinia of their presence here) the NWO bunch could just have their talking heads aka priests and other 'religious' flunkies quickly discredit the viewer saying "oh they are just making all that. Look how angry they are, they can't be truly 'spiritual', they must work for the DEVIL (or whatever evil entity the religion espouses)."

Yeah devil, flunkies, NWO, can you spout anymore buzz words in one paragraph?

Also it gives them a real safety blanket to throw on humans if they can trick us into believing that angry people don't go to (fill in the blank with wherever your choice of spiritual beliefs has you ending up) so we will all be nice obedient submissive slaves/surfs, and not try to kill them when they abuse us, so we won't mess up going to whatever place we are supposed to go when we die. *rolls eyes* Hey that is the same reason criminals are allll for gun control. Makes their jobs a LOT safer.

As already asked, what do the aliens look like?

So, in all actuality, 'spiritual savvy' has nothing to do with being all sugary sweet and light. In fact, part of our true task is to be able to use all of our emotions appropriately, anger included, which means dealing with any issues that drive one to become too angry or out of control/dangerous. Emotional competency is the goal, not emotional suppression.

You apparently have problems dealing with your emotions.

And as I have said over and over and over and over again to DK, the limited amount of 'information' your level of 'proof' allows is strictly controlled thru the NWO's heaviy duty 'spirit level awareness prevention' filters. So of course there isn't any 'scientific' proof for aliens or ghosts or any other paranormal phenomenon. All of that allows us to become too spiritually/psychically aware and way too risky territory as far as the NWO bunch is concerned.

What does that even mean? Your just stringing crap together...

When have you seen an alien? What do they look like? Why do you think you are better than others? What are the aliens called? What do they wear?


posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by VergeofObscene

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You do realise thats fiction don't you luv? *rolls eyes*


Didn't think so

Sorry, but your paltry imitations don't do me any justice, luvy.

And Kurokage, fyi, Dragon is entitled to express her opinion on the subject. From what I've seen, NOTHING has been proven as solid reality in this thread. Interpretations that differ from your own should therefore be respected, whether you agree or not. That goes for all the overzealous, proof-seeking, fanatic trolls, too.

Asked you this before but looks like I need to ask you again because you seem a little thick; are you gay?

Or are you a women who thinks I'm attractive?

Why you persist on calling me "luvy" is beyond me when I'm a male...

If its some sort of sad attempt to annoy me then carry on

You just look gay!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 05:02 PM

That goes for all the overzealous, proof-seeking, fanatic trolls, too

Guess that includes you then ?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 05:12 PM
I'm sorry but I find it very, very hard to accept a debate from another adult who uses terms such as "*holds breath*"

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Kurokage

Also, as a general point to people like Dragonridergirl and VergeofObscene, why call people NWO agents and trolls when we are entitled to our opinions too. We all see things from different perspectives. I have tried to maintain a courteous manner, why not try it out yourselves.

I have been courteous with those who have exhibited courtesy. I didn't call you a troll...I named you and seperated you from that bunch, but I'm beginning to reconsider my evaluation of you. Yes, the story may have been false...personally, I didn't believe it, though it did entertain me. DragonGirl is still free to address the concepts connected to the story, and she shouldn't have to face ridicule for that...

And fyi, being a pseudo 'spiritualist' does not give you the moral right to play the condescending game when someone says something that doesn't sit well with you...

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

'look' gay? Is that a tinge of homophobia, luvy? You're all smoke and mirrors. Didn't you say you were done with this thread? Stop elevating yourself by bashing someone with more spiritual awareness than you, sweetheart.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by VergeofObscene]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

It sounds like you ran into one of the lineages of the reptilian draco. There must be something of particular interest to them regarding your wife and child. Perhaps their blood because they seem obsessed with it. ???

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