posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:56 PM
I did a search on this subject and the only thing that came back was a reference to a thread that I used the words like nachos and beer and didn't
pertain to this, so I started a new thread.
That being said.
Given the fact that nobody knows what the aliens eat. In fact, if they even eat at all. It could be photosyntheses, maybe they hook a hose in their
nose once a day and get nutrition that way. maybe it's a whole day's or months or hell for that matter maybe a year's worth of nutrition in
something as small as the size of a stick of gum. They treat their food like we treat electronics. It keeps getting smaller.
What the heck do you think they would eat if they can taste, if they came or when they got here, nachos, beer, or....
...your thoughts please.