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America's 'Ultra Black' Programs:Part Two

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:40 PM
BOOOOOM! 2mins whilst i unscramble my brain exellent thread

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:52 PM
that is some pretty interesting stuff there, jkrog.
Seems you are getting adept at getting my attention.

i am going to read the cross linked stuff, and then i will post more. In the meantime, you have my email addy. Don't be too much of a stranger while on hiatus.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by jkrog08

the fact that we have a "time base" in the year around 100,000,000 BC!

Well since earth is only 4.7 billion years old and the Universe itself is only approx. 13.5 billion years old, we couldn't have a time base that was 100 billion years old.

Also, the footprint thing has been explained away quite a few years ago.

In my humble opinion, I would have to call HOAX on this fun mess

ummm....that is 100 million, not billion.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:08 PM
100,000,000 that is 100 million,NOT billion

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

LOL....I posted the SAME thing not realizing you did.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:11 PM
After getting into the UFO, ET subject, (I spend all weekend, every weekend reading all of these threads and UFO related sites). This quote from Jkrog08 is the single most important piece of information I have read yet. When I read some others quotes on the Greys created Jesus I was starting to get depressed. This now completely makes sense and if the public is told this, the whole ET and new history would be accepted.
Note: How weird, the word I'm being asked to enter below to post is "bilderberg".

"Also a quick mention on a religious note;The Greys tried to tell us that THEY made Jesus and was behind his "divine powers",I have heard from BOTH my source and other non-physical source that the Greys "showed us a recording of Jesus in the years of his existence(0-35AD).Well we have been told (according to my source)that YES the Greys have the technology to 'record historic events',BUT that they IN NO WAY had ANYTHING to do with Jesus Christ.They simply tried using another of their EXCELLENT maniplulative skills to convince us that they are what we call God.This is not true(according to my source),other,benlevent beings and other non affiliated Greys have told us that YES indeed Jesus exsisted,BUT HE WAS NOT from the Greys,they simply have the technology to view and record the timeline.Jesus DID exist and APPARENTLY was really the physical manifestation of God,sent to "push the human race" further in evolution.Apparently their(and this is one of the strongest things that stick with me that he told me) has been "Jesus like" beings on EVERY planet known throught the Universe,it is just a 'stage' when God manifests himself to his corpreal creations to 'awaken them'.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Altered States:Thanks,I have added you as a friend,you should check out the first part of the thread,it is linked in the OP.

Texan:Thanks for dropping by,I have added you as a friend some time ago and yes I have your email..........this is a lot of speculative info,but I for one believe it,if I didn't I wouldn't post it.Feel free to chime in,your opinion is always appreciated

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Well even if its not true it was an interesting read regardless.

Also the guy who tried to be cocky with the 100billion thing hahah oh my, Learn to count.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:17 PM
Anyone who thinks a NDA(non disclosure agreement) is binding and full proof is ignorant,there are still good people in the world and know that this stuff has to get out.I answered these NDA questions in the first thread on ultra black projects,so go there for more info on why people can and do break it.There comes a point when people don't care if they are killed or jailed,they just want the truth known.And really short of giving physical evidence the government doesn't care cause they know there are people like in this thread and around the world who will not believe it anyways and say "well they signed a NDA"

Side note:Sorry all for any typos in the OP,I wanted to hurry and put it all out before I left and I wanted it all to be in order(non interrupted by replies).

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

jkrog08, what is your real motive for posting this? Do you brag to your buddies (if you have any)that you tricked a few gullible souls on ATS?

So, how did you meet X? What was his reasoning for confiding in you?
Not 1 shred of evidence? You would agree that in about 30 minutes, I could post something similar to you post with inside info that I received from someone I will call Z

My BS meter needle just broke through the glass gauge. Give it a rest, this is getting tiresome sifting through so much BS to get a legit story from time-to-time.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Liamoville

"Also the guy who tried to be cocky with the 100billion thing hahah oh my, Learn to count. "

Lol,my thoughts exactly,Im glad you liked the thread,as Ive said I am only telling what I was told.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by jkrog08

the fact that we have a "time base" in the year around 100,000,000 BC!

Well since earth is only 4.7 billion years old and the Universe itself is only approx. 13.5 billion years old, we couldn't have a time base that was 100 billion years old.

Also, the footprint thing has been explained away quite a few years ago.

In my humble opinion, I would have to call HOAX on this fun mess

ummm....that is 100 million, not billion.

I'm a disinfo agent sent back to my past/your present, to cover this up and my hyperlink is not perfectly synced with what you call "the internet". Please give me a break, I'm new
Have you ever traveled 10,000 years back in time and tried to sync your palm pilot? I'm just glad I updated my palm pilots holo-memory before the jump
And yes Palm still exists 10,000 years in the future. They were the only handheld computer corporation to survive the Blackberry wars of 2082.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Astrobee

I guess you should read PART ONE,which is LINKED IN MY OP and then you will get a background.If you dont believe fine,I dont care....I wish you did but you cant make everyone see when they wont open their eyes.

Also do I look like I need points or attention?I have only been on here 6 months and feel I am doing quite well in regards to appluases,points(ats/bts), and total posts and friends.So before you rattle off at the mouth check my profile,um kay?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:53 PM
I really like the part about the Jesus being all over other Planets.

But what I don't understand, is how are people recruted to go inside these secret bases. Like, are they military scientists? Or top civilian researchers?
At one point, you need a crew to replace the older crew, so who are they?
There would be so many people willing to abandon their daily boring life just to live something extraordinary, so why not ask them even if they are meer civilians?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Star and flag

That's an amazing story and actually ties in most subjects that are discussed here.
So I have a few questions...
Did your source X mention what happened when the governments found out about the greys agenda?
Did they still co-operate with them and could you ellaborate on the area 51 and dulce wars? I've never heard of them before.
Could you also give us and idea of what the grey/reptoid agenda actually is and how it affects us?
Thanks in advance

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:02 PM
that is a good point. I have been here for 1.5 years and only have about 41k points. And that is counting in a 25k boost for a caption contest.

I don't contribute daily, but i read daily. I only contribute when it is of some value (other than this post, i guess, which is pretty worthless).

If you have 51k after only 6 months, then i would say you are correct, and have an excellent reputation here (even if you do a lot of speculative work...which is right up my alley).

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:28 PM
without any hard evidence, this tall tale smacks of science fiction rather than anything substantial.

a single photo is all it takes - just ONE...

how about a dinosaur landscape?
or a photo of a herd of Triceratops?

or what about a single photo of one of these Jovian moonbases, with Jupiter looming in the background?

i repeat - all it takes is ONE photo. without that, this story is nothing more than science fiction (albeit , highly entertaining sci fi, which i would love to see at the cinema...)

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Thanks for posting this. Between this thread and Dan's about his encounter I am utterly and helplessly addicted to this sites forums now. Amazing stuff...I am going to continue reading and will check out your older thread.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:45 PM
I will answer each persons question one by one.

Desmond:From my understanding the crew come from both civilian and military.Apparently top military(us space comand,nasa,usaf mainly) personal are 'chosen' to be in a secret program,which they have no knowledge what it is until they get there.All others outside of this ultra black world(even generals)have no knowledge,it is a strict chain of command and need to know,it is highly compartmentalized.Same applies to civilians.Pretty much you get a memo,call,or interview from the military and are never heard from again for long periods of time,if ever.

kyle-2302:From what I was told and other research the grey-reptoid-shadow military(grsm,just made that up,lol) have made various treaties for exchange of high technology.They Greys are a dying,parastic like race who need humans to rebuild their genetic code failure caused by milinia of cloning(they have become redundant).That is why they dont want a full scale conflict,even with my knowledge all Greys are clones,and they number small even then.My source didn't talk much about Retoids and was strictly hesitant to for some reason.He told me that really all you need to worry about are the Greys,as they are the ones you would encounter in a abduction scenerio.Like I said the Greys and Reptoids have alliance,they are more equal partners then some would lead you to believe.The reptoids are a very old race and used to war with the Greys many milinia ago.They joined forces for mutual interest and common enemies(Pleadians,etc).I liken it to the US-Soviet alliance in WW2.They Reptoids generally have more say however due to the large size of their empire throughout the galaxy.They have been here for many milina and have been messing with us for a while for their own gains.The only reason there hasn't been a full scale surface planetary war is because of a 'unofficial truce' and a political limbo,with both sides hesitant to bring the galaxy to full scale war and to openly interfere with a primitive species(us).So everything has been more of 'covert ops' so to say.There has been a war on this planet(full scale galactic) in the past(many milinia ago),in that war nuclear type weapons were used and thus the reason for recent findings of nuclear isotopes in rock layers of millions of years old.Not all Greys nor Reptoids are evil,however the majority are(just like how ALL MUSLIMS arnt out to get us).The Reptoids are hesitant to invade in full scale because they know there will be major repercussions from more powerful or equally powerful races such as full declared war by light forces.Also there is supposedly a neutral,hyper advanced race that seeded most of the galaxy,they tend to stay out of all affairs(as they are past that in evolution)but will punish the Reptoid-Grey empire if required.The Pleadians are descendants of this race.

Texan:Thanks for the compliment,so did you read my other thread yet?

Also I want to say my source never called the timeline altering technology project blank slate,I found that by independent research.He never said any project names to my recollection.

[edit on 7/6/2008 by jkrog08]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:46 PM
You almost had me there bro, until the Jesus.........nevermind.

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by elevatedone]

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