posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I often wonder if it will happen.. Now I'm still quite the young guy (21), but I imagine it must be sour for the older generation folks (let's say
75+ years old) who are into all of this, knowing that they might not have the time to see the disclosure, the truth, unfold within their lifespan.
When thinking about it, I would not like to be like that in the future, realising my time might come to an end sooner than later and still not knowing
that much more, i.e. still no disclosure. (If I get to that age hehe.)
I was wondering how you guys feel about this.
Think disclosure will happen in our lifetime? (Be it from our governments or from 'their' side)
Take care,
[edit on 5-7-2008 by Violation]
[edit on 5-7-2008 by Violation]