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My friend has a demon attached to her.

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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:02 PM
I've noticed many people have mentioned the occult, and not religion. I was under the impression that demons are Fallen Angels, and that occultic "spirits" are some form of "energy" or something... Is that impression correct, or am I just making myself look stupid?

Sid and Nancy are pretty sure this a demon, because of the way it reacts when Christ is mentioned. Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by mr. wildflowers
I forgot to elaborate on the prophecy aspect. Nancy often has dreams about the end times. She sees where she is when the world ends in great detail, and can describe it perfectly. She describes some of the events described in Revelations, and says that she (apparently these are 3rd person dreams) looks only 4 or 5 years older than she does now. If she really does have the gift of prophecy, there are could be some interesting implications of these dreams, obviously. 4 years down the road... 2012 armageddon, anyone?

Im going out on a limb here, but I have had similar dreams for many years. My interest is peaked even more now. I have to say that Nancy is probably just a psychic or seer who ,even though she "chooses not to use her gifts" she really needs to come to terms with them. She should learn to shield out the unwanted forces that she believes are demons. Personally, I dont believe in demons in the Catholic religion sense. I do believe there are entities beyond our physical realm of existence and that they are not always good. Some have bad intentions. If Nancy is sensitive she will be a target. I'd advise looking into different spiritual methods of grounding and centering as well as psychic protection. I know you said she was devout Christian, but Jesus would fight back, too.

edit to add:
If Invocation of Christ's name gives her personal power against an evil entity it would probably work just like a white light or other symbology for others.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by raven bombshell]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:02 PM
does she have any of these symptoms or signs or whatever you want to call them:
* Child-like (regressive) behavior
* Delusions
* Flat affect
* Hallucinations
* Inappropriate laughter
* Not understandable (incoherence)
* Repetitive behaviors
* Social withdrawal
If she has any of these she could have schizophrenia... BUT

taking her to the doctor could make the situation worse. Basically they'll give her some olanzapine and send her on her way.
But for starters if her house is haunted like you say she should probably move and maybe that could help?? a bit..

[edit on 7-7-2008 by kiki9]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by kiki9

She may be attractive to the spritits/entities, so moving may not help. They may be attached to her, not the house.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by raven bombshell

Actually, to my knowledge, she didn't experience anything before they moved to her current house. However, I'm not sure of that, or how old she was when they moved in.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by kiki9

She doesn't experience any of those, except hallucinations. I mentioned that 11 white cats hallucination earlier, but other than that, nothing. She's certainly not a schizo.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by mr. wildflowers
Sid and Nancy are pretty sure this a demon, because of the way it reacts when Christ is mentioned. Any thoughts?

...if it reacts in such a way...why hasn't it left yet?

This to me suggests that either Sid or Nancy is consciously/unconsciously keeping that attachment live...that door open...

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by alien

I thought of that too... The demon gets extremely angry and "freaks out" whenever Christ is mentioned in any way. However, it's never stopped tormenting her because of it.

That's an interesting thought, about Nancy subconcsiously supporting it (Sid's just a mutual friend, and doesn't really have anything to do with it.) I'm sure she's not doing it consiously, because she hates and is terrified of it.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by mr. wildflowers
That's an interesting thought, about Nancy subconcsiously supporting it (Sid's just a mutual friend, and doesn't really have anything to do with it.) I'm sure she's not doing it consiously, because she hates and is terrified of it.

...ahhh...and there lays the rub...

It will be through that fear that the attachment has remained active.

If she has gone through various 'processes' to separate the attachment and to send it on its way...then remaining with fear of its return will be like a self-fulfilling prophecy unfortunately.

Once sent it needs to remain sent. Once the door is closed it needs to remain closed. It remains sent/closed via the person then moving on with their lives and giving no mind to it any more...for to give mind, to give fear is to give over power to it.

It may sound simple - but it can be hard...particularly when the person has experienced such negative/scary events due to it. But thats the long and the short of it unfortunately...fear not and have faith in the process of separation...anything less is just an invitation for it to hang around being a burden.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by alien

That's exactly the kind of advice I've been looking for, thank you sooo much. I'll tell Sid and Nancy asap.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Chances are, if the mother was involved in Cult Ritual Abuse, the daughter might have been as well at some point. Or the mother might have abused her daughter in some way (perhaps unknowingly.) Cult Ritual Abuse is some hardcore stuff.

As for dreams of the end times, quite a few people have these, even in great detail. I have personally had many dreams of the end times, but often they should be looked at metaphorically and symbolically as opposed to literally.

I have never experience a demonic entity, but I do not discount their existence. I also agree with those here who have suggested she learn the name(s). Names have power in this instance. I think demons or negative energy/spirits can hang around people who have experience trauma or who may live in a house that is thriving with negative energy. I would honestly suggest she talk to someone in her church, keep it in the faith so to say--a pastor, someone who can counsel her both spiritually and emotionally (which many many pastors can do.) Most pastors aren't going to call in an exorcism, but will begin with an emotional root for the underlying problem and will likely suggest a good therapist (and someone the congregation on a whole could trust) in dealing with this.

If she were not into Christianity as you said, I would suggest some house blessings, cleansings, burning of sage and perhaps the hiring of a medium or such to help.

If you are interested, here is a book on cult ritual abuse that details some very very graphic stories of people who have survived this kind of ordeal. It is a messy and terrible web to remove oneself from.

I also agree with what people say about opening "doors" and "portals," especially if the use of a ouija board on the premises. Maybe she can research the former tenants of the house/apartment she is staying in, or the property in which it was built on. There are lots of things to look into.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Another thing worthy of mention here is that you say "she hates and is terrified of it".

There again lays a rub.

Any separation of such entities should be with an essence of purity. Hate is one powerful emotion...and its an emotion that certainly sounds like its in the realms of whats bothering her due to the negative/dark energy that is embodied within the emotion of *hate*. In a sense to feel hate for it is playing by its rules.

It will sound so incredibly cliche, but: Counter hate with love. Counter dark with light.

To that end, next time she goes through her processes of moving this burden on - she should try sending it on with love.

Think for a moment (and it may seem somewhat silly to attempt to assign human emotion/motives to a non-human entity) tortured that entity must be to spend its time doing these things. How devoid of light it must be to exist in a realm of darkness. To not feel welcomed, to not feel loved, to not feel the warmth of positive interaction.

If anything it doesn't deserve *hate*...rather *love* and compassion.

Those energies and mindsets of love/compassion come from a place of light, of heartfelt consideration for it - despite its actions and the 'trouble' it has been. By showing it love, sending it on its way with compassion, she is also offering it forgiveness - which again is one powerful energy and act.

Show it love. Show it it the way on.


posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by alien

Interesting... Yes, she certainly hates it. And yes, that does sound incredibly cliche, but it does make sense. I would tell her to try showing it love, but how exactly do you go about showing a demon "love?" I'm guessing flowers and chocolates won't do the trick

JungianQueen: I've asked Sid several times, and Nancy has NEVER been involved in anything her grandfather forced her mother to witness. I (and Sid for that matter,) have also had plenty of disturbing end-times dreams, so I don't see too much in the fact that Nancy has those too. Thanks for the book recomnedation :]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:51 PM
Geesh. Apparently that book is out of print and sells for a buttload on amazon used. Sorry about that. I'll look around for better suggestions. 200$ for a copy of an out of print book. Has to be somewhere else available..... will keep looking.

Just google the title: Breaking the Ritual Silence

You'll find something....

[edit on 8-7-2008 by JungianQueen]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by mr. wildflowers
I would tell her to try showing it love, but how exactly do you go about showing a demon "love?" I'm guessing flowers and chocolates won't do the trick

Yeah - I'm picking the flowers and chocolates or a nice homecooked meal might be off the agenda.

How do you show love to a demon? Same way you show love to anyone or anything else. Love is an emotion/energy that isn't dependent upon the reciever - rather it rests within the sender.

Despite the burden this entity has been, despite the negativity and/or chaos it has bought to her life...we are all certainly capable of showing love, of feeling love, even for our darkest of enemies.

She could focus her intention into her thoughts as she goes through her processes...consciously and deliberately thinking something like: "I forgive you with love, I send you love, I wish you nothing but peace. Go in love, go with forgiveness, go in peace"

Its that conscious change in direction - in focus - that can be so powerful. Its like switching your game-plan mid-game. It is of course likely the demon would rebuke such a show of love for it, for it is something foriegn to it...but the action and intent still stands. It is a clear show to it that it cannot and will not any longer hold power over her - manipulate and play her.

Once that line is drawn in the sand then it can try and rage all it likes...but it will be blustering without long as she holds firm to that purity of love, forgiveness, compassion. To harbour ill-will for it is to give over her own power to it.

By giving it all over, all the ill it has done, all the pain/fear it has giving that over to (again - this will sound sooo cliche) 'to the Light' (*insert whatever belief/definition you hold to*) she also in essence removes herself from the game. And it IS a game these things play...yes they can impart the impression that its a game of high stakes and a game you have no choice but to play...but that is all the mindtricks and tactics of their game. Don't play it. Choice ALWAYS remains. CHOOSE not to play it...choose instead to give it over...give it over to a far greater power. There comes the safety, there comes the coverage.

One of these things greatest ploys is to instill some belief within the person that its an 'Us Vs Them' interaction...pitching the *battle* at a personal/individual level. Don't buy into those not personalise it, externalise it...give it over...

JungianQueen: I've asked Sid several times, and Nancy has NEVER been involved in anything her grandfather forced her mother to witness

...theres a whole new kettle of fish there. Its one that is related yes...but somewhat different.

Apologies - I have to actually do some work
Heh...surfing the net while at will return to this later.


posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 09:28 PM
To those that keep stating that this may be a mental illness and that what was described may be just in the mind, I would suggest maybe reading a true-life story He came to set his captives free

Which states :

Book Description For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today, you'll see how to recognize and combat the many satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.

Demons are real, "spiritual" beings that are evil in nature and demeanor. Not everything that happens is from a mental illness or disease.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by StarShin07
Demons are real, "spiritual" beings that are evil in nature and demeanor. Not everything that happens is from a mental illness or disease.

Thanks starshin, that's exactly the point i've been trying to make. If you have any other info like this, i'd be incredibly happy to hear it :]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 12:20 AM

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Don't confuse Angels with Demons.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by mr. wildflowers

well i belive th@t if as u said in ur 1st post she sorta talked to them and can prophcy things in her dreams the demons were probably drawn 2 her and if her dad was satanic then he had most likely drawn them there 2. i wuld suggest th@t she has an exorcism.. she cant move it will only follow her. and even though i laid out reasons i think she shuld also research her house's history and the area around it. dont communicate with it and dont show fear. i belive th@t doin both gives it more strength. i hope th@t my advise helps. oh and this is old fashioned but try putting crosses up and recitingpsalm 23 in the new king james bible(christian version) wen she sences the demons i hear th@t this helps

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