posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 12:42 AM
Though I'm not a credible source, I can shed some light on some of your questions.
Every function the brain has is a result of a chemical reaction. When your body dies, it stops producing said chemicals, and you brain stops
functioning, thus death.
But, what some people miss, is that though we cannot sense after the brain stops producing chemicals, we can still perceive. (IE, Sending someone into
hypnosis, then giving them subliminal messages. They are unaware that they are being given them. (They cannot see, hear, taste, etc), but they are
still given them). Which brings me to my point. If you can perceive situations without processing them, (consciously), then what happens to that
ability to perceive when the brain decays? If you can perceive without process, then surely you are able to take in information after your are dead
and buried.
But you can't just lay in a hole, staring at the black horizon ahead of you, something has to happen to that ability. Which is why I believe there is
life after death. Whether it be reincarnation, or just an afterlife, it seems that there has to be something more.
Sorry if I went on a bit of a tangent there. I can explain more if you want. Though it might not do any good. The ultimate nature of the mind is
beyond all concepts, and cannot be conveyed by words.