posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 11:49 PM
I didn't really know in what forum this discussion would be best suited for but I decided this one would be the best.
Ive been thinking about my existence and with all I know here on this earth, my own existence does not make sense to me. It seems to me that it is
widely believed that before we became conscious human beings we simply did not exist. This confuses me because I can't see how 'something' can come
from 'nothing'. Another thing that confuses me about my existence is the issue of time and place. I am always asking myself how did I become a human
being within this moment in time and on this earth?
Some would say that these questions are foolish since they believe that the origin of our existence is based totally on sexual reproduction and
nothing more. I am not denying that sexual reproduction plays a key role in our existence because without it how could we ever be conscious humans? I
do believe however that the biological process only serves as the vehicle by which we get here.
Sometimes I think that everything is connected and that everything in existence is the same. For example, I believe there is little difference between
humans and trees. The only differences is in the way the two exists. So everything is alike, interconnected, and represents a multitude of ways that
'something' can exist. The same energy that allows the wind to blow is the same energy that makes what we call 'life'. Could it be that at one
time in the past each of us existed as some other form of energy? Now it seems that we are all energy that experiences itself. Maybe energy having the
ability to experience itself and its surroundings is the highest level of existence?
Anyways, thats enough of my rambling. I would be happy to hear your take on this topic.