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I find this very disturbing

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posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 04:26 PM
Opinion: Austin, It’s Time to Rise Up

P.O.T.U.S | July 3, 2008

It’s time to get mad and put the Austin Police Department in their place.

They are now planning to pull you over, and if they suspect you’ve been drinking, the police will stick a needle in your arm, and take your blood without a warrant. You cannot refuse, and they will do this by force. If you resist, you will be tasered and held down against your will while they remove a “sample”.

“My intent in the future is to make it so there is no such thing as a refusal. You can refuse all you want, but we are going to aggressively seek search warrants,” said Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, in an interview with KXAN, a local city television station. (See the original article & video report here: )

Makes me want to go out and buy a tazer for myself.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 05:07 PM
You'd think it would be illegal for them to do so without some medical licensing or training. I don't want some schmuck shoving a needle in my arm who isn't properly trained!

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 05:30 PM
If this is true, and it appears to be, this is wrong on several levels.

1. As Lloyd said, who wants to trust the "training" of a police officer to draw blood and then process that blood?

2. On the surface, I'd think it was unconstitutional, based on presumption of innocence, and invasive search and seizure.

3. It's just wrong.

4. What, is the breathalizer not conclusive enough? Do the standard drunk test, and if there are indicators of intoxication, then the breathalizer. No reason that I can see to go beyond this. Worst case, the occasional person is taken in for a blood test by a QUALIFIED nurse or medical practitioner.

5. "Oh lookee here, you're fine for alcohol level, but my interepretation of this result indicates you ingested [ X] two hours ago."

6. It'd be a swell way to spread disease if that were a wingnut's desire.

7. It's still just wrong.

I'm sure there are more reasons. Thanks for bringing this to our attention !

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 05:31 PM
i don't doubt this. the police force on this side of austin have been upped in #'s and vehicles and it never fails to see several ppl pulled over and out of their car on any given drive.

we have an unspoken system on one of the roads i drive on to alert and be alerted to police, but the system is starting to get broken as now they, the police, no longer are confined to typical black and white marked vehicles, but unmarked and any color. they are typically mustangs, but still alot of ppl drive those around here so hard to decipher (not that i would need to.... just an observation).

well, i doubt many in and around the austin area are going to be putting up w/ that......... then again, ppl are putting up w/ more and more it seems. just kind of an apathetic society syndrome going around.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Tazer and needles in arms. The nazis didn't even go that far (not that I know of anyway). I am sure a pumped up officer will be real gentle when pulling a sample too HAHA.
I would rather take my chances assaulting an officer in defense rather than submit to something like this.
It makes me livid just thinking this could possibly become a reality. I hope an attorney is taking note of this and takes action. LoL I take back all the bad things I've said about lawyers.

Not to mention they want a federal grant for this.

"The revolution will not be televised"- Chuck D

[edit on 7/4/2008 by liamoohay]

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 07:59 PM
here's another link w/ video.

wow... and here i was just saying that texas was one of the better states

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:11 PM
So . . . . every traffic officer is going to be a trained phlebotomist are they ? if not, a paramedic at the very least ? certainly not going to put all officers through nursing training for four years in order to do this..

That aside.

This whole concept is just so wrong. I agree with breath tests, of course. i agree with drunk tests by the side of the road, sure.

But drawing blood against some ones will with and tasering them if they say no ?

Dammit, this is so so SO wrong.

How many times will the officer wash his hands ? what gloves will he use ? will all equipment be latex allergy compliant ?

I would say STFU I am allergic to latex, and if you touch me I will have a severe reaction and be badly injured. I will then arse hound you through courts and cost you your job. Now, pass me that breathalyser.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Ongoing list of places to not vacation:

[X] Antarctica

[X] Pickle Bank

[X] Bras(z)il

[X] The future

[X] The past

[X] Stockton, unless one had a BURNING urge for tender asparagus

[X] The interior of any active volcanic caldera

[X] Babylon

[X] Austin

[ ] Vegas -- remote, but still possible

[X] Nibiru

[edit to add Nibiru...... couldn't resist]

[edit on 4-7-2008 by argentus]

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by liamoohay

"" It’s time to get mad and put the Austin Police Department in their place.

They are now planning to pull you over, and if they suspect you’ve been drinking, the police will stick a needle in your arm, and take your blood without a warrant. You cannot refuse, and they will do this by force. If you resist, you will be tasered and held down against your will while they remove a “sample”. ""

Funny how destroying the Constitution, is legal!?!?!?!?

How in the world does an insane law like that get passed?

do they sneak dope into the water before there's a vote on this poison to our trampled on Constitution?


I was thinking about what I would say to an officer who was trampling the Constitution in the name of the law.

I guess I would just point that out to him and see what he had to say.

Didn't the Nazis "who followed orders" get found guilty of WAR CRIMES despite following orders? I'm pretty sure they did.

I guess all we can do, is put pressure on the cops when ever we get a chance, to show how wrong it is,

without getting in their face...just as a matter of fact, about how wrong it is to enforce an unconstitutional law and see how they respond.

remind them, that two wrongs don't make it right. because I'm sure they'll say it's to catch the bad guys.

and being bad, to stop bad does not equal good. never has, and never will. it is but a weak excuse to do wrong.

Perhaps if all the citizens started calling the police station, or casually talking to them at the donut shop

or wherever you have the opportunity to strike up a conversation, WITHOUT getting hostile about it

whenever we get a chance and complained about it we might see some changes. I think a dignified prostest

would be quite proper and may plant some seeds, if nothing else.

but for sure, if we just sit quiet and say nothing, the monster will get bigger and bigger.

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