reply to post by Insomniac
Yes, I did miss your point there. Thanks for setting me straight.
However, I still don't agree that anything unusual is going on here. You might well be right about more people noticing these usually less frequently
observed phenomena though, but that could just be due to more people who tend to watch the sky more visiting these forums. I wouldn't be surprised if
the internet itself has not contributed towards a greater awareness of events occurring in the night sky amongst a certain segment of the population -
the ability to communicate such as we are doing here and now must have a bearing on it.
It is only natural that some of them would gravitate here, giving the impression that more people are seeing these things, when in fact it's just
people that have seen these things in the past coming out of the woodwork (as well as the new "army of sky watchers" that the internet has
I have only been an amateur astronomer for about a decade, so perhaps I can't see the bigger picture as well as you, but it does seem to me that in
the last 10 years or so, with the help of the internet, people (astronomers in particular) are more willing to talk more openly bout the stranger
things they see, which might at one time have been scoffed on.
As an amateur astronomer, quite frankly, I'd be more willing to gauge the "unusualness of the current situation" by what I observe with my very own
eyes, and the reports I regularly receive from fellow amateur astronomers. These are people from around the world who have in some cases observed the
sky, regularly looking for meteors (ie naked eye observing), for many decades in some cases. Many of them, including myself, are so passionate about
this we will often go to extreme lengths to find dark clear skies with wide uninterrupted horizons and observe until first light, or till you can no
longer keep your eyes open. Which ever comes first.
Anyway, my point is, if anything unusual was going on up there recently, I'd be in a good position to know about it IMHO, and so far I've seen
nothing to indicate that...
In my 10 years I've also seen the weak flashes associated with space-junk, and this is often reported in the meteor observing community and a well
known phenomenon.
As for exploding meteors, I saw more of those in the night that hooked me than I can remember - There's some footage from the same night in this Sky
At Night episode:
Mania: November 2007, BBC4 Special and some
written accounts here
Last year I photographed a small exploding meteor. U2U me if you'd like to see it - I warn you, it's not the best shot in the world though.
Edit to add: It's also not considered too unusual to see bright flashes that light the ground/sky/ or can be seen "over the horizon", which can
often be attributed to distant lightning, meteors, transformer accidents, rail lines, or any number of possibles that range from mundane to relatively
but perfectly normal and explainable causes...
In short it could be anything, and is probably not due to aliens (at least in most cases!), although I like to keep an open mind about these things,
so there may be a
very very small possibility, that some of these may be due to yet undocumented phenomena - but lets not jump to any
conclusions about there being aliens involved yet!
[edit on 5-7-2008 by C.H.U.D.]