posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 08:22 AM
In the late 70`s, my father was a police officer in Toppanish, WA.
One morning, as per usual durring the week, dad was taking me to school via his squad car. These were the older models of the Crown Victoria, and the
partition which seperated the prisoner from the officer was, at that time, a metal framed peice of six inch thick peice of plexi glass. This partition
could be folded back, behind the front bench seat of the squad car, or, after using a lever in the front, the officer could release the spring, which
would cause the partition to flip up, and lock into place, seperating officer from prisoner.
This particular Monday morning, I was about six or seven, dadaking me to school, and I noticed a blood stain in the middle of the back seat. I leaned
forward and inquired where said stain had come from. Dad looks at me from the rearview mirror, and says with a straight face; "Last night, we found a
monster under some kids bed, and his mom called us to come and arrest the monster. I had to shoot him to get him in the car."
Well, I believed that story until, when I was 10, I saw my dad release the spring of the partition, and lock into it`s place before going to work one
November morning. It was a Friday, and I used to go into the office with dad on Saturday while he filed his weekly paperwork. I was witness to him
defending the fact that he had used the partition as a means of assuring a suspect`s complacency durring an arrest to the cheif of police. I remember
thinking to myself that day "Man, dad is such a lier, and I am goofy!" LOL