posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 10:14 AM
I've waited 25 years to tell this story, part (2)
We followed that spider right up to where we found him. I said lets see if he’ll do it again so he picked up the spider, took it to another location
at least a hundred yards away and the spider again came right back to his home in my shop. I even put obstacles in his path; he would go around the
object and get right back on his way. This amazed me but that’s all I though of it at the time.
Another interesting thing in the local area which was located just down the road from the front gate of the base is a place called “Sutton Hoo”.
It’s an ancient burial ground of a people who were some of northern Europe’s earliest navigators. They revered this area so much that they
actually buried their king inside his ship. This was one of the most mysterious and valuable finds in archaeological history. The king was buried
holding his septar and wearing a solid gold mask. If you get a chance “goggle it”. It’s an amazing story.
I use to think, why was this area so important to these ancient people? What did they know about it?
Months later, I was working late into the night on a readiness exercise. It was so foggy and still as death. My only company that night was my
friendly homing spider, who I now called Homer, I was polishing up some valves for a vehicle in the shop when all of the sudden I thought I heard
something outside, I looked up to the over head windows and saw a green glowing light. I walked over to the door and looked out, but all I could see
was thick fog yet this green glowing light was far into the forest and quickly grew dim then disappeared. About an hour later I heard a strange
beeping noise. I looked outside again and this time I couldn’t believe my eyes. I first I thought it was the base cops with their dogs by the way
the eyes reflected in the haze. But, these were no dogs. The heads were about three feet high they had devices in their extremities and they kept
going up and down as though they were picking something up. The four creatures reminded me of people with metal detectors finding and picking up coins
on the beach. Just then the alert siren went off and the voice over the speakers said “EXERCISE-EXERCISE-EXCERCISE” “RED ALERT” TAKE COVER”.
As normal I immediately closed the door went inside and took cover under my table which I kept set up for these alerts, I waited for the all clear
signal so I could go back and see what the heck I was looking at and try to make heads or tails of it. After about 20 minutes the all clear signal was
given and I looked back outside but all I could see was thick fog. I just figured it was the base cops doing some exercise looking for EOD which was
common during exercise.
They finally called the exercise off about 3 in the morning. I was tired so I picked up my stuff and drove home. I had to be back at work that morning
at 0730. The next morning when I got to the shop I had a big cup of coffee and shot the bull with some of the mechanics about how tired I was and all
the weird stuff that goes on during exercises’. I mentioned that I saw the cops or someone from the EOD team looking for EOD out towards the forest
when one of the bosses said they never look for EOD at night, it’s too dangerous, he said they would just tape off the area and post guards until
daylight, I though that was strange. Continued in part (3)