posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:32 PM
dont know what you guys are tkng about,but last month while I was catching another bus during the transfer I thought I was seeing a commercial add
being pulled by a plane.You know those ones with the funky mssgs.On second look and with more att.observation....missing was the plane!! Thinking or
trying to see logic into,I started to consider that it could be a zeppelin kind of vehicle.Wrong again.This was faster,not royally moving,and swiveled
at distinct speeds and heights.Like if on time cutted segments.Without blinking I tried to dont miss eye contact.It was the object!!Steadily kept the
same direction,towards the middle of the Bay.Because I had to go to work and my bus came by,I stopped watching.Who could have believed the excuse to
be late,"that an UFO held me"from coming earlier?But now I am sure that was what they call..But,above a major urban city!!!!?I'm still looking for
more witnesses of my sight.They must be,and not wrong.What was that?and doing what?